Page 26 of Demons and Darlings

There was not a single person in sight.

“You think we would have our sacred, ritualistic Night Raven events where anyone with peering eyes like you could watch?”

I scoffed, “I don’t have peering—”

“Sure, you don’t,” he joked. “Basement’s that way.” He pointed to the corner of the bar, where a black door that nearly blended in with the wall appeared. I hadn’t noticed that before.

“Why do I have a weird feeling I’m walking into my worst nightmare?” I mumbled to myself.

A cool hand fell onto my lower back, sending chills down my arms and up my neck. “Don’t worry,” Alek whispered in my ear. “You’re untouchable.”

Tonight would be the night that I found out exactly how true those words were.

As soon as he opened that hidden door, the loud thumps of the club music rattled my bones.Yep, that sounds more like it.

Alek stepped through first, grabbing my hand and pulling me behind him down the dark, dimly lit basement stairs.

I was half-expecting some sort of frat house, neon-lit cement room. But what I found instead was a large room, even bigger than the one upstairs, with a massive bar, leather and velvet seats, twinkling lights across the ceiling, and…

Demon. Dozens of demons.

“These are all demons?” I whispered to Alek.

His lips touched my ear when he answered, “Mostly, yes.”

The realization dawned on me that I had been surrounded by demons my entire life. The creatures my mother warned me about time and time again, they looked like normal men and women.

Granted, these demons were infinitely more attractive than any of the men I had seen. But I had a very small frame of reference, and that was besides the point.

Alek was immediately greeted by someone, a tall man with blond hair and those same electric green eyes. They exchanged a few words I couldn’t hear, then turned their attention to me.

“This is her?” the friend asked.

“Zac, meet Lyra. Lyra, this is Zac, one of my closest friends.”

I let go of Alek’s hand to shake Zac’s. It was warm, and it matched his welcoming smile when he flashed his perfectly white teeth. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Lyra. I’ve heard so much about you.”

I glanced back to Alek. “Talking about me much?”

Alek started to answer, but Zac cut him off. “Please, he can’t shut up about you. Now I can see why.”

“Lay off, Zac,” Alek said. He placed a joking hand on Zac’s chest and pushed him back a step. “I’m already working hard enough to keep the other guys around here at bay. Not you, too.”

Zac stuck his hands up in surrender. “You got it, boss. Won’t see anything but the utmost respectful behavior from me.”

“Good,” Alek said. “We’re heading to our usual table. Grab some drinks from the bar and join us?”

“Right behind you,” he said, slipping off into the crowd.

“He seemed nice,” I said to Alek, who quickly grabbed hold of my hand again and stepped close to my side.

“He is. You can trust Zac. He’s worked for me for years now, and he’s never let me down.”

I took note of that. Alek seemed to be on edge about a lot of the people in his life. His father, the other demons at the shooting range. Not Zac, though, which meant he was definitely trustworthy.

“Follow me. Let’s go sit down.” Alek began leading me through the crowd of demons toward the back of the room, where a large maroon velvet couch lined the back wall. “Here,” he said, sliding into a spot at a large circle table.

I followed after him, sliding into the couch and looking out at the room around us.