Page 114 of Demons and Darlings

Narcissa didn’t stop chanting. I didn’t stop silently hoping that this would work, because we had no choice. This had to work.

Alek had to survive.

“Come on, Alek,” I whispered. “Come home to us. Come back.”

Theia’s laugh grew louder in the background. Narcissa’s grip on my arm loosened, her entire body began shaking and her eyes rolled into the back of her head.

The chanting stopped.

The room went silent.

Come on, Alek. Come home.

I was about to give up. I was about to accept the fact that once again, I had lost. Once again, I couldn't save anyone. Once again, I thought I could be someone I wasn’t.

But then, in the midst of the swarming clouds of darkness, I saw it.

Someone moved beyond the veil, walking.

I couldn’t see exactly who it was until they stepped through that small, magic doorway of the veil.

Alek carried a body over his shoulder.

Alek was alive.

As soon as they were beyond the reach of the veil, the shimmering wall disappeared.

Narcissa collapsed next to me.

The fire before us sputtered out.

“Oh my god,” I said, running to them. Alek dropped his brother—Wrath—onto the ground. With a thud.

Marcus rushed in our direction.

Alek stumbled, catching himself on the wall. I was there in an instant, my bleeding hand moving to catch him, to support him. “Hey,” I whispered. “Hey, you’re okay. You’re okay. It worked.”

He was staring off into the distance, looking at something that wasn’t there.

“Alek,” I said, louder this time. I grabbed his face and made him look at me. It wasn’t until his eyes met mine that his labored, frantic breathing began to slow.

“Lyra,” he said, grabbing hold of my shoulders to stabilize himself. “You’re here.”

“I’m here,” I cried. “You’re back. You’re okay.”

Wrath began coughing on the floor beside us.

“Son!” Marcus yelled. “Son, wake up!”

I turned in time to see Wrath blinking his neon-green eyes open. He looked similar to Alek, with slightly paler skin and less tattoos.

A chill ran down my body. This was unnatural, I knew that. But many things in this world were unnatural. Many things in this world were wrong, and yet the universe allowed them to happen.

My blood was the key to dropping the veil for a reason. Maybe this was my purpose all along. Maybe I had been put on this planet, in Theia’s hands, so that life could work out to exactly this situation right now.

Alek leaned down and pressed his forehead against mine. “You saved my life,” Alek said.

“Technically, I brought you back from the dead.” A wrecked sob shook my body. “But close enough.”