Page 106 of Demons and Darlings

My heart dropped to my stomach as Alek leapt forward, knife out before him.

Theia dodged it easily—gracefully, even.

But Alek quickly recovered.

“You don’t want to fight me,” she said. “You don’t want to do this.”

“Yes,” he hissed. “I do.”

Think, Lyra.I had to do something. I couldn’t just sit here and let her kill him.

Yes, Alek was a demon. He was strong, superhumanly so. But Theia was the Goddess of Light. She was not going to lose this fight.

But Alek had my blood in his system. He told me he had felt stronger, more powerful.

We had a chance.

Another car pulled up in the parking lot.

The rubber tires screeched to a halt.

Salem’s bright blonde hair was the first thing I noticed. Her and Zac both leapt from the car.

Theia noticed this, too. Their tattoo-covered bodies gave it away. Night Ravens.

She held her hands out and threw a bolt of light at Alek’s feet. “Stay back!” she yelled. “Stay back or I’ll kill him!”

This time, it was Alek’s turn to laugh. “I’d like to see you try, bitch.”

Theia only scowled. Alek jumped toward her again and aimed the knife toward her chest. This time, she protected herself with her magic. With a yelp of pain, Alek’s knife clattered to the ground.

And Alek was on the ground next.

He was conscious but clutching his right arm.

Zac and Salem immediately jumped in.

Again, Theia blasted her light, fighting them off.

No. This wasn’t happening. This couldn’t be happening.

Not again. I was done running.

I was done fighting.

Alek had shown me this life, he had shown me what I had been missing. I had been ignorant before. Being locked away wasn’t so bad because that’s what my entire life had been.

I hadn’t known any different.

But now? Everything was different. I couldn’t go back. I couldnevergo back.

Salem grunted and jumped on Theia’s back while Zac fought her off.

But they weren’t going to last.

Alek’s knife was on the concrete ground a few feet away.

I walked over and picked it up.