Page 90 of Demons and Darlings

What the hell was I going to say to him? Was I going to tell him that the deal was off, that I didn’t want this to be fake anymore?

This was real to me. Maybe it was real to him, too.

I shook my head as I walked.

No way, that wouldn’t work. A deal with a demon was impossible to break.

But maybe, just maybe, I could tell him my secret. Maybe I could tell him the real reason my mother kept me locked away. Maybe I could tell him that I’ve been nothing but a living blood bag my entire life, and that was the reason I had never lived.

Would he care? Would he even believe me?

He knew enough about the veil, so he had to know that the Goddess of Light was the one who could control it.

Who knows? Maybe he would want to help me.

It was a ridiculous idea, but after Paris, I was willing to try. I couldn’t go back to living in that cage after this was all over without knowing that I tried everything, that I risked everything.

The front door of the bar was open.

I started to walk through, but I stopped when I heard voices from the inside.

“You’re fucking kidding me,” Kylar’s voice started.

“This is serious,” Salem replied. I could recognize her voice from anywhere. “He knows she’s the one. He’s just waiting for the right time to ask her.”

What the hell are they talking about?

“He could have told us sooner,” Kylar replied. “We almost fucking drowned her in the lake. That would’ve ruined everything.”

“If you two weren’t such assholes, none of that would have even been a concern now, would it?”

A long pause strung between them. “Alek has to act fast. If he has any hope at dropping the veil and bringing Wrath back, it’s the next full moon.”

“I know,” Salem sighed. “I think it’s more complicated than just asking her.”

“What’s complicated about it?” Blade’s voice chimed in. “She knows how to drop the veil. She has to. God, Alek is so soft. I would’ve had the veil down by now if it were up to me.”

The sound of a fist hitting the table made me jump. “Well, it’s not up to you,” Salem said. “It’s up to Alek, and he’s taking his time. She’s a fuckinggirl, Blade. She’s not a weapon.”

“Her mother’s been hiding her like a damn weapon,” he replied.

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.They knew? Alek knew?My deepest secret, the one thing I had tried my entire life to hide. And they knew. They knew I was the one who could drop the veil.

My blood was pounding in my ears, panic began morphing my senses.

“So this entire time he’s been pretending to date her…”

“It’s been a way to get closer to her,” Salem answered for him. A wave of nausea hit me. “That poor girl. She doesn’t deserve any of this.”

I wanted to back up. I wanted to run far, far away until all of this was behind me. But my legs were still frozen. This couldn’t be happening. Not to me. Not after everything. Not after Paris.

“What a fucking idiot,” Blade mumbled. They exchanged a few more words that I couldn’t quite hear, until Blade said, “I take it the demon king knows about this?”

I leaned closer to the door, needing to know the truth. Needing to know how badly I had been betrayed.

“No,” Salem answered. “He told Alek to get Wrath back. He doesn’t quite give a shit how he does it. He knows nothing, and you two better keep your big mouths shut about it. I’m only telling you this now so you leave Lyra alone.”

The two boys laughed, and I never felt more embarrassment in my entire life.