I spent thirty minutes curling my thick red hair, something I hadn’t done in years, and slipped on the black dress Natalie picked out for me. Even when I tugged on the bottom, it only came to my mid-thigh. I dug the tall black boots out of my closet, the ones that passed my knees, and pulled them on. With my matching black leather jacket that I had owned for years, most of my skin was covered.

But the crisp fall nights were quickly turning into spine-chilling winter days in the city. It would still be cold as shit outside.

“This better be worth it,” I hissed. Natalie held my face still while she plastered red lipstick on my mouth that matched my amber hair.

“Trust me, honey,” she said before putting the lipstick on herself, “tonight will be epic. I can feel it.”


Natalie and I walked the few blocks to Night Raven.

I tried not to think about how long it had been since I last left the apartment. If Natalie felt how nervous I was to be outside, she didn’t show it. She continued to fill our conversation with rumors she had heard about the bad boys that dwelled within the club.

After a while, I didn’t mind it. Hearing Natalie talk about semi-ridiculous topics had been one of the few links I had to the outside world over the last twenty-two years. In many ways, Natalie had saved my life. I nodded along as she continued talking, debating whether or not a demon would be a better kisser than a human boy.

She landed on yes, the demons would be better at kissing.

Before I could second-guess my decision, we were approaching the bouncer.

“IDs and invitations, please,” the ridiculously large man barked.

Natalie handed hers over first, along with the Night Raven invitation. I followed right after, mimicking everything she did.

My heart skipped a beat as he took the thin plastic and surveyed it closely, even bending it slightly while he examined it. He glanced at me, his shadow-covered eyes soaking in my features, before returning his gaze to my ID.

This is it. I’m screwed.I accepted my fate that this bouncer would recognize my name. My cover would be blown. The one secret I had tried to keep my entire life would be outed in front of this single-story, run-down building with white paint chipping off the bricks.

“Go ahead,” the bouncer mumbled.

I hardly had time to register his words. I took back my ID just before Natalie grabbed my arm and yanked me through the cracked doorway.

“Relax,” Natalie whispered. “You look like you could pass out any second! Remember, you’re a regular college graduate. Act like one.”

I nodded, unable to form words.

“Drinks,” Natalie demanded, glancing around. My eyes adjusted more with every second. “We need drinks.”

Natalie held my hand while we made our way through the body-filled club. Neon lights flashed through the darkness, matching the beat to the music that played so loud, I could feel it in my body.

The nerves I felt earlier slowly morphed into an adrenaline-fueled excitement. This was whatlivinglooked like. The lights were so dim, nobody would ever get a good look at my face. Natalie had been right about one thing—nobody knew who I was. How could they?

She elbowed her way up to the front of the bar. “Two shots of tequila, please!”

My jaw fell open in shock. “Natalie!”

“What? I might never get you to come out with me again! We have to make the most of it while we’re here! Besides, rule one of drinking is to start with shots. That way we get drunk faster, and we don’t spend as much money!”

I rolled my eyes while she turned back to the bartender. Natalie didn’t have to worry about money. Her mother was one of the wealthiest and most powerful goddesses of our time. That was the reason Theia had taken up an interest in her and had finally let Natalie become my friend. I always assumed my mother had no idea about Natalie’sextracurriculars. There was no way in hell she would let me be friends with her if she did.

The bar around us was absolutely packed. It seemed smaller than I expected, with just enough room for a bar, a pool table, and a dance floor.

I looked around at the people. How many of these men were demons? How many were regular humans? My gaze landed on one man in particular who stood on the other side of the bar. He appeared to be about our age, but tattoos covered the majority of the skin on his arms, even peeking out of his slim t-shirt onto his neck. He looked…mean. Menacing. If anyone in this bar was a demon, my money was on him.

His blazing green eyes found mine, only for a second, before I ripped my eyes away and turned back to Natalie.

“Do you think there are any demons here?” I yelled in her ear.

Natalie traded her credit card for the shots and passed me one. “I hope so.” She smiled wickedly. Her glass clinked against mine, and I watched as she tossed the entire shot into her mouth.