Page 36 of Demons and Darlings

“What’s going on? Are they pulling over?”

Alek followed closely behind them. “Let’s just say that the driver got a very urgent phone call regarding a potential ambush up ahead.”

“Let me guess. It was Zac.” Again, Alek only smiled. I groaned, “I can’t believe we’re doing this.”

The car roared to life as Alek sped up behind the cop. Any thoughts forming in my mind left, replaced by my silent screams of panic.

“Do everything I say,” Alek commanded. And then his car was screeching to a halt behind the stalled police van. “Get out of the car!”

I peeled the seatbelt off before throwing the door open and bursting into a sprint behind Alek. He was fast. Too fast. He wasn’t even human, so how the hell was I supposed to keep up with him?

Zac was somewhere ahead of us, and I immediately heard yelling as the backdoor of the police van slid open.

One of the Night Ravens jumped out, running for the hills next to us.

Zac was tackling the singular police officer to the ground.

“You good here?” Alek yelled to him.

Zac picked the officer up by the shoulders and shoved him into the back of the police van.

“All good!” Zac hollered back.

I didn’t stop running. My feet were pounding the hard ground beneath me as I caught up with Alek.

“Run, Lyra! Let’s go!” he yelled.

He turned right and sprinted toward the tree line.

I had no choice but to do the same.

After just a few seconds, my lungs were screaming. The only time I had run like this was seven years ago, but I was running from something much worse.

“Hurry up!” Alek called from ahead of me.

Police sirens wailed behind us. “There are more?” I yelled, gasping for air.

He didn’t have to answer. I glanced over my shoulder to see the three police cars pulling up. “What about Zac?!”

“Zac’s a professional. He’ll be fine,” Alek assured me.

We sprinted through the woods until we found an abandoned building. It was hidden amongst the thickening trees, and without Alek, I would have run straight past it.

“In here,” Alek breathed.

I couldn’t speak. All I could do was focus on my breathing—oxygen in, oxygen out.

By the time we stopped running, I could hardly feel my legs. Alek grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the sun.

The building seemed to be an old, abandoned warehouse of some sort. The wooden planks that created the walls were cracked and rotting. A few holes in the roof let enough light shine through that I could see Alek in front of me—although, I couldn’t see much else.

“There’s nowhere to hide in here,” I said. My voice carried through the large space. I could hear the shouts of the other police officers growing louder and louder outside. They were probably halfway to us by now.

Alek’s hands grabbed me, yanking me through a set of wooden doors that appeared to be a closet. He shut the door behind me, leaving us in pitch blackness.

The sound of my labored breathing filled the room. “Alek, they’ll find—"

“Shut up,” he hissed. He grabbed my torso and pulled me backward. I landed hard against his chest.