‘I came to Arran to tell you I wanted to stay.’ She rested her hand against her heart. ‘That I’d lived my last few months in Technicolor. It was the life I’d always wanted. I’d found a man I loved and a place I thought I could call home.’ She shook her head. ‘I know the title of the show is ridiculous. Of course it’s ridiculous. It’s a TV show. But honestly? At the time I didn’t think it was worth the fight. And...’ she pressed her lips together for a second ‘... I honestly hoped you wouldn’t find out.’

He reached over and touched her face. ‘Kristie, I don’t care about the TV show. I love you. I flew all this way to tell you that. Please forgive me. I’ll move anywhere in the world with you. But if Arran’s where you want to be, then nothing would make me happier.’ The glint appeared in his eyes again. ‘Mac will never forgive me if I don’t bring you home. He hasn’t looked at me since you left.’

She smiled. ‘Mac is missing me?’

‘He’s pining. Like only an old sheepdog can. The only look he gives me these days is one of disgust.’

She edged a little closer. ‘Well, when you put it like that, I don’t want to see Mac suffer.’

His arms slid around her waist as her hands rested on his shoulders. ‘I mean, every dog should have two parents.’ Her hands moved up into his hair.

His lips brushed the side of her ear. ‘I absolutely agree.’ He looked at the three large suitcases at the doorway. ‘Now, are you going to help me get those cases home?’


One year later

THE BRIDE’S THREE-QUARTER-LENGTH dress rippled in the breeze as she walked towards him clutching orange gerberas in one hand and Mac’s lead in the other.

It felt as if the whole island had turned up for this event. The local hotel had hired three separate marquees to keep up with the numbers but whilst the sun was shining they’d decided to get married outside so everyone could see.

Rhuaridh’s heart swelled in his chest. Kristie’s hair wasn’t quite so blonde now, her skin not quite so tanned, but he’d never seen anything more beautiful than his bride. Her grin was plastered from one side of her face to the other.

He leaned over, winking at Gerry, who sat on a chair nearby holding a camera, capturing the ceremony for them, then turned back and held out his hands towards his bride’s. ‘Now, no fancy moves, no running out on me.’

Her eyes sparkled. ‘We’re on an island. There’s nowhere to go and...’ she winked ‘... I’m not that good a swimmer. I guess you’ll have to keep me.’

He slid his arms around her waist. ‘Oh, I think I can do that.’

He bent towards her as Gerry shouted, ‘Hey! Wait up! It’s too early for a kiss.’

The celebrant laughed as Kristie slid her hands around his neck. ‘What do you think?’ she whispered, her lips brushing against his skin and her blue eyes continuing to sparkle.

Mac let out an approving bark and the whole congregation laughed too.

‘Oh, it’s never too early for a kiss,’ said Rhuaridh, as he tipped his bride back and kissed her while the whole island watched.

* * *

If you enjoyed this story, check out these other great reads from Scarlet Wilson

Island Doctor to Royal Bride?

Locked Down with the Army Doc

Resisting the Single Dad

A Family Made at Christmas

All available now!

Keep reading for an excerpt from Mending the Single Dad’s Heart by Susanne Hampton.

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