A smile danced across her lips. He could see the impact his words were having. The fact he believed in her ability to tell this story. It felt like pieces of their puzzle were just slotting into place.

He couldn’t believe that Zoe had shown up today. He’d never seen someone look so much like a fish out of water. But it was almost as if a shadow had been lifted off his shoulders. She’d always intimated that Arran was less, and he was less for being here. He’d compromised his career and his life. And for a time those thoughts had drip-dripped into his self-conscious.

But tonight was like shining a bright light on his life. Everything was clear for him. He was exactly where he wanted to be, and with the person he wanted to be with. Zoe’s visit—instead of unsettling him—had actually clarified things for him. He didn’t care about the distance between him and Kristie. He had no idea how things would play out. All he knew was that he wanted to think about the here and now. With her.

It was almost as if their brains were in accord. Kristie lifted her head and gave him a twinkling smile. ‘I just remembered something you said tonight.’


‘Girlfriend, hey?’ she said as she slid her arms around his neck.

His voice was low as his hands settled on her waist. ‘I just remembered something you said too. I heard you tell her the cottage wasn’t big enough for three,’ he said as his lips danced across the skin on her neck. ‘You made it sound like you were staying here.’

‘Oh, I am.’ She smiled as she pulled him down onto the sofa and made sure he knew exactly how things were.



Don’t get too comfortable. Miss LA will get just as sick of the place as any normal human would. How can smoggy hills compare to the glamour of Hollywood? Your success is just your fifteen minutes of fame. You should be asking yourself where your career will be in five years’ time. That’s what’s important.

RHUARIDH SHOOK HIS head and deleted the email. It was sad, really. Zoe was trying to provoke a reaction from him and the truth was he felt nothing. He wasn’t interested in her or in anything she had to say.

He looked out the window towards the hills. Were they smoggy? Maybe. Goatfell was covered at the top by some clouds. But Kristie had already said she wanted to climb it with him. Every time she visited she seemed a little more fascinated by Arran and wanted to see more. Her attitude was the complete opposite of Zoe’s and that made him feel warm inside. She didn’t see Arran as the last place on earth she wanted to visit—she might not want to ever stay here but when she was here, she made it seem like an adventure. And he’d take that.

He picked up the case he had ready to go to the high school. The immunisation team would be setting up right now and he’d arranged to meet Kristie and Thea there as they came straight off the first morning ferry. Chances were they’d be tired—they’d been travelling all night, but a delayed flight had caused them a few problems.

The local school was only a few minutes away. The whole place was buzzing. The immunisation team never failed to amaze him by how scarily organised they were. One of the nurses met him just as Thea burst through the door with her camera at the ready. ‘Wait for me,’ she shouted.

He shook his head and looked down at the list of children the nurse wanted him to give a quick review. Nothing much to worry about. Kristie stepped in behind Thea. Her cheeks flushed pink and her skin glowing. Every pair of eyes in the room turned towards them.

‘Hey,’ she said self-consciously, tugging at a strand of her hair.

‘Hey,’ he replied.

What he wanted to do was kiss her. But he didn’t want to do it in front of an audience. As soon as the thought crossed his brain the irony struck him. Thanks to Gerry, the whole world had already seen them kiss.

Kristie slipped into professional mode. Interviewing a few of the nurses, watching the kids come in for their vaccinations and capturing a few of them on camera too.

Everything was going smoothly until one of the teachers came in, white-faced. ‘Dr Gillespie. I need some help.’ Rhuaridh didn’t recognise him. He must be one of the supply teachers.