She’d also had over a thousand social media messages today alone. Since the kiss had been shown, her social media presence had erupted even more than before. Her conversations with Rhuaridh had continued. He’d been hit with just as many messages as she had—more, probably. And he was feeling a bit shell-shocked by it all. But Rhuaridh seemed able to pull his professional face into place and use his job as a protective shield.

She looked up just in time to meet the glare of an elegant-looking woman with gleaming dark brown hair. She looked out of place on the Arran ferry in her long wine-coloured wool coat, matching lipstick and black high heels. Kristie frowned. Why on earth would that woman be glaring at her?

‘Will he be waiting for you at the dock? Should I film that?’ Thea asked. Kristie started at Thea’s voice and turned just in time to catch Thea shooting her a suspicious look. ‘And this thing—it is real? Or is it all just made up for the camera? I have to admit I’m kind of curious.’

Kristie was more than a little stunned. ‘You think it’s fake?’

Thea was still talking. ‘I mean, let’s just say I’m asking in principle, because—let’s face it—he is hot.’

A surge of jealousy swept through Kristie. ‘You think Rhuaridh is hot?’ She said the words almost in disbelief.

Thea threw back her head and laughed. ‘Oh, honey, the whole world thinks he’s hot.’

Now she wasn’t just jealous. Now she was mad. Rhuaridh Gillespie was hers. She could picture herself as a three-year-old stamping her foot. Very mature.

And still Thea kept talking. Did the woman ever shut up? ‘And anyway, you’re from LA, he’s from—what is it called again? Arran? How’s that ever gonna work? He might as well be on the moon. I mean, let’s face it, in a few months you won’t be getting paid to come here any more. I bet these flights cost a small fortune.’

A horrible sensation swept over Kristie. She’d always known this—it’s not like she was stupid. But she’d tried not to think about it.

The horn sounded as the boat docked, the sound ricocheting through Kristie’s head. She winced and stood up. ‘Come on,’ she growled at Thea.

* * *

Her heart gave a leap as she pulled into the car park of the GP surgery. Rhuaridh was standing outside, waiting for her, his thick blue parka zipped up against the biting wind.

Thea let out a sound kind of like a squeak as Kristie jumped out of the car and ran towards him. She couldn’t help it. Four weeks was just too long. Rhuaridh dropped a kiss on her nose and wrapped his arm around her. ‘What’s the update on Gerry?’ he asked straight away.

She gave a sigh. ‘Good, but not so good. He’s started cardiac rehab classes and is making some progress. He’s tired. I think he’s frustrated that things are taking longer than he hoped. He’s been assured he should make a good recovery, but just has to show some patience.’ She pulled a face. ‘And the TV channel won’t cover his travel insurance until he’s been signed off as fit by the doctor. And, to be honest, I think that will take a few months.’

The way Rhuaridh nodded made her realise that he’d known this all along—even if she hadn’t. He leaned forward and touched her cheek with his finger. ‘You okay? You look tired.’

‘I am.’ She glanced sideways over her shoulder. ‘Thea—I’ll introduce you to her in a sec—is exhausting. My head is thumping.’

He paused for a second, giving Thea, who already had the camera on her shoulder, a quick wave. ‘And the next show?’

Kristie let out another sigh. Maybe she was more tired than she’d thought. ‘The show is going out with Gerry as the star and you and I as background footage. Gerry’s fine about it.’

‘And are you?’

‘I guess I should be happy we’re not as front and centre this time. But we’re still there. The camera was running at the hospital and it’s caught us sitting together, holding hands.’

‘I can live with that.’ It was as if he chose those words carefully.

She met his gaze, ignoring the way her hair was whipping around her face in the wind. ‘So can I.’ She couldn’t help the small smile that appeared on her face. There was just something about being around Rhuaridh. Not only did he make her heart beat at a million miles a second, he was also her comfort zone. Her place.