Louie continued. ‘These streaming TV channels are the ones with the big budgets these days. They’re making all the best new TV shows, and they’re not afraid to take chances. Don’t you think it might be a good idea to get in there, and make a good impression?’

Her brain was whirring. She knew it all made sense. She knew it was an opportunity. How many people really made it onto the terrestrial TV channels? She didn’t even want to admit that she’d subscribed to this streaming service too. Some of the shows were addictive.

Louie shrugged. ‘Filming is taking place all around the world. There’s a volcanologist in Hawaii. A museum curator in Cairo. A quarterback from an American football team. Someone training for the space station.’

‘And I get the Scottish doc?’ She held up her file, not even trying to hide the disappointment on her face.

Louie didn’t speak and the silence told her everything she needed to know. She’d got what was left. Louie had probably had to campaign hard to even get her this gig.

She flicked through the files sitting on Louie’s desk. There was also a vet. A firefighter. A teacher. A policewoman.

If she’d had to rank each of the possibilities, she knew the work with the doc would have been last on her list. The thought of being around a medic all day—possibly being in a hospital environment—made her feel sick.

Six years ago as a media graduate she’d thought she was going to take the world by storm. But somehow that storm had changed into a long, hard slog with only a few glimmers scattered throughout. Part of her resented this job already. It wasn’t exactly her career goal. But what was?

Things had shifted in the last few years. Real life events had left her jaded and knocked her confidence in the world around her. Sometimes she wasn’t even sure what it was she was fighting for any more.

‘Isn’t describing someone as a Hot Highland Doc considered sexist these days?’

Louie shrugged. ‘Who cares? That’s the title we liked. It should draw viewers in. Who wouldn’t want to see a Hot Highland Doc?’

Her brain was still ticking. She wrinkled her nose. ‘Geography isn’t my strong point. Hold on.’ She pulled out her phone and stuck in the name of the island. ‘Arran? That’s on the southwest coast of Scotland. That’s not even in the Highlands.’

Louie laughed. ‘Like I said—who cares? At least it is an island. It’s the UK, so trade descriptions can’t get us on that one.’

Kristie closed her eyes for a second and thought about the pile of bills currently sitting on her dresser. This was money. Money that would be guaranteed for one year. She would be a fool to turn this down.

‘Smile. Arran—who knows? You might even like it. You just need to go there three days a month and film as much as you can. You need enough footage for forty-one minutes of screen time.’ Louie waved his hand. ‘And if it’s boring, do something to mix it up.’

This time it was Kristie that raised her eyebrows. ‘Mix it up? What exactly does that mean?’

Louis shrugged. ‘I mean, make it interesting viewing. If you work on another show that gets cancelled midway, people will start to think you have the kiss of death.’ He met her gaze. ‘People won’t want to work with you.’ He left the words hanging.

She gulped. She knew he was right. TV and media were ruthless. One minute you were the belle of the ball, the next you were lucky to pick up the leftovers—just like she was now.

She gave a slow nod of her head then frowned as she compared her file with some of the others. ‘This guy? There’s no photo.’

‘Isn’t there?’ Louie had moved over to his appointment diary, obviously ready to move onto his next task.

‘And how do you even say his name?’

Louie moved back around the desk and leaned over her shoulder. ‘“Roo-ah-ree”, I think.’ He winked. ‘At least try and get the guy’s name right.’

She stared at the scribbled notes in the folder. Rhuaridh Gillespie. General Practitioner. Also provides cover to Arran Community Hospital and A and E department.

How did that even work?

She swallowed and took a deep breath. How bad could this be?