‘Don’t panic, Magda, let’s get you out right now and I’ll attach a CTG to monitor the baby. Now take a deep breath and try not to worry.’

She glanced at Gerry. Yip. He was already filming, capturing the sound inside.

Rhuaridh strode straight inside. Then stopped dead, meaning Kristie walked into the back of him.

‘Oh, sorry.’

The main room of the house appeared to have undergone a complete transformation for the delivery of this baby. Right in the centre of the room was a large birthing pool. Soothing music was playing in the background, the blinds were closed and there were a few lit candles.

A heavily pregnant woman with blonde hair and a black loose wet kaftan was being helped from the pool by a worried-looking man and an older woman.

The woman looked up. ‘Give me a hand, Rhuaridh.’

He stepped over quickly, taking the woman’s place as she dropped to her knees and pulled a small monitor from a black case.

They eased Magda down onto the nearby sofa. Obviously no one was worried about getting it entirely wet.

‘Tell me what’s happening,’ said Rhuaridh.

Kristie was tempted to clear her throat and remind them all that two perfect strangers were in the room, but the woman she thought was Magda looked up and waved her hand in a throwaway manner. ‘Carry on,’ she said as she grimaced.

‘Another one?’ asked the woman quickly.

Magda nodded and gripped tightly onto the man Kristie suspected was her husband.

Rhuaridh finally seemed to remember they were there. He pointed at his friends. ‘Magda, David, Miriam, this is Kristie and Gerry from the TV show.’

Since Magda had already waved her hand in permission it seemed like he didn’t feel the need to say anything else.

Kristie could see the way that David was looking at Rhuaridh. It was odd. She was brand new to these people but could already see a world of emotion without hearing any words. David was holding back panic, Magda had an edge of fear about her, and Miriam—who must be the midwife—had her professional face in place, while worry seemed etched on the lines on her forehead.

Rhuaridh knelt by the sofa and held Magda’s hand. ‘I thought you had this planned to precision.’

She patted her stomach, keeping her eyes firmly fixed on Miriam’s actions as she attached the monitor. ‘It seems Baby Price has his or her own plans.’

Miriam spoke in a low voice as she made the final adjustments. ‘Spontaneous rupture of membrane a few hours ago. Labour has been progressing well with no concerns. Magda’s around eight centimetres dilated, but she feels baby has stopped moving in the last ten minutes.’

‘It’s a boy,’ said Rhuaridh. ‘He’s having a little sleep before the big event.’ The hoarseness in his voice gripped Kristie around the chest. He was worried. He was worried about his friend’s baby.

Magda tutted. ‘We don’t know it’s a boy. We want a surprise.’

She was scared to make eye contact with Gerry. This was beginning to feel like a bad idea. An old man tragedy she’d almost been able to bear. Anything with a baby? No way.

Miriam flicked the switch and the monitor flickered to life. After a few seconds a noise filled the room. Kristie almost let out a cheer. Even she could recognise the sound of a heartbeat.

But the rest of the room didn’t seem quite so joyous. Magda clenched her teeth as she was obviously gripped with a new contraction.

All other eyes in the room seemed fixed on the monitor. Kristie leaned forward, trying to see the number on the screen. Ninety, wasn’t that good?

‘What’s happening?’ asked Magda.

There was sense in the room of collective breath-holding. The numbers on the screen and the corresponding beat noises crept upwards.

Rhuaridh and Miriam whispered almost in unison. ‘Cord prolapse.’

This was all way above Kristie’s head.

Magda let out a small squeak of desperation. ‘No.’ As a doctor it seemed she knew exactly what that could mean even if Kristie didn’t.

Rhuaridh pulled out his phone and dialled. ‘Air ambulance. Obstetric emergency.’ His voice was low and calm. He moved over to the corner of the room where Kristie couldn’t hear him any more. By the time he’d finished, David had walked towards him.