Page 135 of Queen of Roses

Draven and Vesper exchanged a look that for once wasn’t full of malice.

“We should reach Orin’s Gate by... what? Nightfall tomorrow?” Vesper suggested.

“We’ll detour around it,” Draven declared. “But yes. That sounds about right. We’ll be in the Bloodlands within a day or two after that.”

“Oh, good. I can hardly wait,” I muttered. A little louder, “So, they call it the Bloodlands not because the land is blighted but because of all the blood these creatures spill? So it really does run with blood, in a sense.”

Draven shook his head. “You’re frightening yourself for nothing. Chances are we won’t see any of these creatures. Most are probably extinct. Or at least few and far between.”

“Like exmoors?” I suggested.

Draven frowned. “Exmoors aren’t even in the same category. They’re noble creatures. They don’t hunt humans for prey.”

Vesper was looking at Draven appraisingly. “Can I take it you’ve visited the Bloodlands and gotten as far as Numeos in the past?”

Draven got to his feet. “This conversation has gone on long enough. We’re wasting the morning away. Come, Pen. Time to go.” He stomped over to the horses.

I shrugged my shoulders at Vesper and went to pack up my things.


Vesper strummed thestrings of the lute as he sang,

Oh, sweet fae lady, of beauty so rare,

Eyes like the moon and skin like the air.

In love's embrace, we danced 'neath the stars,

But our love was fated to leave only scars.

For love between mortal and fae,

Is a dance with death, no matter the way.

But still we loved, with hearts entwined,