Page 132 of Queen of Roses

Would he tell me in front of Vesper, even if he did, I wondered?

“They were practically in uniform. Each one wearing similar armor. Their crossbows were almost identical, too. A mercenary group of some kind, I’d wager.” Vesper eyed Draven with interest. “Who’d put a bounty on your heads?”

“A great many people, I have no doubt,” Draven replied, sounding remarkably unphased. “Sure you didn’t just eliminate your competition?”

Vesper gave a careless shrug. “If I’d wanted to take you both out, I could have done so last night. You snore, you know.”

I wasn’t sure if he meant Draven or me. Or both. I felt myself blushing frantically.

“So much for the Noble Knight being a sanctum,” I observed. “Though I suppose they attacked from outside the sanctum’s boundaries. At least, until those men came flying in through the windows...” I stopped, not wanting to relive those moments.

“They came in through the windows?” Draven’s voice was harsh. “How many? What did you do?”

My eyes flickered to Vesper’s. He was looking at me with a knowing expression.

“She fought them off. She held her own. I could see everything from the rooftop across from you,” Vesper said quickly. “Excellent work with that...” He paused significantly.

“Dagger,” I said swiftly. “Thank you.”

Draven frowned but said nothing. “I’ll saddle the horses.”

“Thank you, kind sir,” Vesper quipped.

Draven turned back, a scowl on his handsome face. “Not yours. You can saddle your own. And then find your own path while you’re at it.”

“There’s really only one path through this part of Cerunnos, in case you haven’t noticed,” Vesper replied. “And I’m traveling south. I suppose if you were traveling north, we might indeed part ways this morning.”

There was silence for a moment.

“We’re heading south,” Draven said tersely.

“Ah. I figured as much. Since you didn’t seem to protest when I led us in that direction last night.” Vesper smiled serenely.

Draven glared at the lute player and I almost giggled. At least now he’d have to split his glare between the two of us. I wonder if there was enough to go around. “Where south?”

“Oh, quite far south. Quite far indeed. All the way through the Bloodlands and into Valtain.”

Draven looked unimpressed. “We’re traveling that way as well.”

“My, what a happy coincidence.” Vesper beamed. “We should travel together. I assure you, I possess a wide range of skills. You’ve already heard my lute playing. I also sing. There’s nothing like a minstrel to brighten up a campfire at night. I have a little talent with a bow and with knives, as your fair companion has already seen.” That was a humble understatement. “I make a mean griddle cake and my rabbit stew is nothing to scoff over.

“We don’t require any additions to our party,” Draven said, just as I helpfully exclaimed, “That sounds wonderful!”

I grinned as Draven glowered. “Well, what’s the harm? He’s traveling the same way. It’s not as if we can really stop him.”

“Can’t we?” Draven’s voice was cold. “What a coincidence indeed. There are so many travelers to the Bloodlands these days. It’s quite the tourist destination.”

I couldn’t help it. I knew he was being sarcastic, but I snickered.

“Look, you’re obviously recovering from...” Vesper waved a hand at Draven. “Some illness or other. Why, your companion could hardly get you off the floor last night. You still don’t look quite your hale self today, if you don’t mind my saying so.”

“It’s true,” I added helpfully. “You’re still pale.”

Draven glared at both of us.

“I came to your aid last night and I’d do so again in a heartbeat,” Vesper said. Was it my imagination or were his eyes lingering on me as he said those last words? I felt a rush of heat to my skin. “I’ll share the chores and provide a little entertainment. Where’s the harm in traveling together for a while?”

“We ride hard each day,” Draven barked. “We don’t dawdle or take breaks. We don’t stop to sightsee.”