Page 126 of Queen of Roses


For a moment, I wastoo stunned to move.

Then another bolt whizzed through the window and I surged into action, crouching low to the ground, trying to make myself as small a target as possible.

My heart raced as I scanned the room, searching for any means of defense. I had my dagger, but was not about to throw that out a window at whoever was shooting at us.

My eyes landed on the bed. Draven! He was completely exposed.

I crawled over and yanked on the edges of the velvet quilt he lay on, pulling as hard as I could.

“Sorry about this,” I grunted, as the bedding began to give way. One more pull.

Draven began to fall off the side of the bed. I gripped the edges of the blanket as hard as I could, trying to soften his landing.

There. The blanket slid across the bed and Draven’s prone form landed with a heavy thud on the floor.

He didn't stir. He didn’t even open his eyes.

I hunched over him, filled with pure panic. If Draven was awake, I was sure he would know what to do. But with him like this, I couldn't even run out the door.

I mean, I could have. But in that moment I knew without a doubt that I wasn't going to leave him, even if it would mean saving myself.

Not even if he was my captor or a ruthless assassin or by the Three something else even worse.

Because somehow I knew that he would never leave me.

I scanned the windows, trying to catch sight of where the next attack would come from and as I did fear gripped my stomach. Across the rooftops of the nearby buildings, I could see the figures of men spread out, all holding crossbows. They had surrounded our room from both sides and looked very prepared.

The sound of wood splintering filled the air. I whipped my head around to see a man in dark leather armor rappelling through the broken window with a rope. He dropped to the ground with a thud, a crossbow in his hand.

My mind went blank.

I watched as he raised the bow, aiming the deadly bolt directly at me.

The bolt released. I watched as it came through the air towards me, and was filled with an unnatural calm.

I moved to the side, feeling a jolt of pain shoot through my body as the projectile grazed my arm, then I heard the bolt land harmlessly in the mattress behind me.

I didn't even look down to see where it had grazed me. Somewhere in a distant part of my mind, I knew there would be blood and pain later on. But right now, instead of feeling weakened by the injury, I felt only a rush of adrenaline.