Page 125 of Queen of Roses

“The taint?”

“Infection. Corruption.” She leaned a little closer, her voice a purr. “Death.”

“Lovely,” I muttered. “Has anyone ever told you that you have a wonderful way with people?”

She smiled a little. “I’m surprised Draven was stupid enough to get himself hurt.”

“I don’t think he was planning on it.”

“He would never have made a mistake like that before. He was too good for that.” She eyed me keenly. “I see you don’t have any injuries.”

“Yes, well, he was protecting me,” I admitted.

Laverna raised elegantly arched brows. “How fascinating. And who are you that he would risk his life over? Someone important, I suppose.” Her eyes flicked over me, long lashes dancing against the planes of her pretty skin. “You’re not his usual type.”

“I’m not his type at all,” I said hotly. “It’s not like that.”

Laverna laughed, a tinkling bell-like sound. I had to admit it was rather pretty. “Oh, my darling, I know. That’s obvious.”

I couldn’t help it. I glared. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

She stopped laughing and smiled. “Draven likes his women a little more... experienced.”

“Well, I’m sorry I’m not a cutthroat or a thief,” I said with false politeness. “Like everyone else in this place.”

“No thieves in the Noble Knight,” Laverna said, waggling a slender finger. “Only the finest clientele.”

“Oh, right. In your ‘sanctum.’” I rolled my eyes. “The healer? Please?”

“I’ll send them right up, as soon as they return. I promise.” Laverna settled her hips back against the wall and began to study her nails. “If you’re that desperate, I could always take a look.”

She snapped her hand open and a delicate, shimmering butterfly fluttered over her palm.

She flicked it open a second time and small flames danced and flickered, consuming the butterfly into nothingness.

She closed her hand into a fist and met my eyes.

“Impressive,” I said honestly. Still, there was something about this woman I didn’t trust. “But I’ll have to ask Draven.”

And since he was currently passed out and probably dying, that was a resounding negative.

“I’ll get back to you,” I said, over my shoulder, as I moved back to the staircase.

“And I’ll send the healer up as soon as they return,” Laverna called.

I ground my teeth and pushed open the door to our room. While I had been downstairs, darkness had fallen. Draven was still on the bed, his breathing ragged.

At least he was breathing.

We didn’t have time for this. Draven was burning up and I had no way of helping him.

There was a shattering sound and the window to my left erupted in a burst of glass as something whistled past my head, landing with a thud in the wall behind me.

When I turned, I saw a heavy bolt embedded in the gold and silver wallpaper.