Page 60 of Magic Cursed

Tuuk snorts a laugh but quickly hides it with a cough. He knows better than anyone I have superior horsemanship skills, he taught me after all. I glare at him, then say to Kellan, “You’re joking, right?”

Kellan lifts his brows then looks to the mare. “What do you mean?”

“She won’t ride that horse,” Daimis says from where he’s adjusting the stirrups of the saddle, on top of a tall chestnut. “She’d more likely kill the poor beast. Give her that one.” He points to an equally tall black stallion with muscles showing through its shiny coat. The beautiful beast stomps the ground impatiently.

I smile. “Now that’s more like it.”He’s perfect.

Daimis dips his head to me. “He suits you.”

Kellan’s eyes widen. “That one’s dangerous.” He pats the brown mare on the shoulder. “You should take this one, Sky. She’s quite sturdy, I assure you.”

“You ride her then.” I walk over to the black stallion and lock eyes with the animal before putting my hand out. The horse blows air out of his nostrils and meets my hand with his soft nuzzle. He stomps his hoof twice more. As if to say he picks me too and let’s get going already.

“This one’s mine,” I say, patting the horse. “End of discussion.” The stallion neighs as if to cement the decision.

Kellan shakes his head and returns the reins of the mare to Tuuk. Daimis tries and fails to hide his smile. Kellan examines Daimis more closely before looking at me then turning around with a scowl.

* * *

The first day of travel takes us north toward the mountains. We stick close to the river Syth, a beautiful jade-green waterway that winds across Thaaryn and beyond to fae territory. The thought that we might be going to fae territory crosses my mind, but I quickly dismiss it. The Regent is the one who insisted that anyone who crosses over to the other’s land is subject to their laws. He wouldn’t be foolish enough to subject himself to fae law, not when his crimes against the fae would bring him a swift death sentence.

So far we haven’t run into any magic users. I keep my eyes peeled for signs, which I’m sure Elsie and Tuuk are doing as well. The sun begins its descent over the far-off mountains when the Regent calls for us to make camp.

I dismount my horse and stretch my sore muscles. It has been a while since I’ve ridden and I’m now paying the price for it. But Midnight, as I named my horse, did great. I unsaddle, feed, and brush him before leading him to the river’s edge where Tuuk is watering the other horses.

I hand Midnight’s lead to Tuuk. “Hey, stupid,” I say.

“Hey, ugly,” he replies, and any doubts I had about his identity vanishes.

I lower my voice. “After everyone has fallen asleep, you and Elsie come to my tent so we can talk.”

He gives me a subtle nod.

* * *

It’s late at night and I’m waiting, not so patiently, in my tent for Elsie and Tuuk. I pace the small space. My mind is mulling over why they’re here. Did something happen in Hydenglen? Is everyone okay? Is Des okay?

The wind howls through the trees and pulls at the tent, threatening to uproot the stakes. It masks Elsie and Tuuk’s steps well, and I only hear them just before they stumble into my tent. I say a small incantation to keep anyone who might be walking by from hearing or seeing anything. Elsie and Tuuk are silent as I do. Once I’m done, I say another quick incantation and a ball of light appears, illuminating the two strange human versions of Elsie and Tuuk.

“Gods above and below, you guys look creepy,” I say examining them.

Elsie smiles. “Thank you.”

“What are you two doing here?” I ask. “Is everyone in Hydenglen okay?”

Elsie drops her smile. “Everyone is fine, but I’m surprised you even care.”

Tuuk scowls at me. “You took off without saying goodbye to anyone.”

“Forget everyone else,” Elsie says. “You didn’t say goodbye to us! What the hell, Sahra? After everything we’ve been through together?”

I just stare at them for a moment. I honestly didn’t think they’d care if I disappeared. But she’s right. We were all three orphaned and had to learn to live in Hydenglen. As the only children, we stuck together through the transition. And I abandoned them for my own selfish pursuits. I think about Baxon and what my selfishness caused him. I drop my gaze, feeling ashamed. “I’m sorry.”

Elsie’s mouth falls open.

Tuuk smiles, satisfied. “Told you she’d apologize.” He holds his hand out to Elsie.

She closes her mouth and puts a gold coin in his palm, which Tuuk pockets immediately.