Page 36 of Magic Cursed

I stare at Kellan in shock, then back at David and Amora. Kellan knows they’re sorcerers, and yet they’re not in a dungeon? Moreover, they look healthy and are even living in the castle.

“They’re the ones who spelled you so the dragon wouldn’t crush you,” I say, putting the pieces together.

“I know it might be a shock, and even a little frightening,” David says, fidgeting with the buttons on his vest. “But please understand that we would never use our gifts for harm,” he casts a nervous glance at Kellan. “We’re blessed to be able to help Thaaryn.” I notice that Amora is clenching her jaw, her eyes are narrowed at her father. But neither Kellan nor David seem to notice.

I want to trust that Kellan is genuine in trying to help these people, and to help eliminate prejudice against magic users. But the look on Amora’s face tells me there may be more going on here. It doesn’t necessarily mean Kellan is at the root of it, but until I can talk with Amora, I’ll have to keep my guard up.

“And in return,” Kellan says. “They’re taken care of here in the castle. Anything they might need is provided. You don’t have to worry about Sky judging you, my friend,” Kellan says to David.

David gives a warm smile. “I hope that with each good deed I do for Thaaryn, I can help reverse some of the damage that was done the night of the Blood Moon. Speaking of…” He wags a finger as he moves to the other side of the room, walking with a pronounced limp, and opens the doors of the armoire. He pulls out a glass bottle with a purple liquid inside. “It’s ready.” He hands the bottle to Kellan. “Have the soldiers take one tablespoon before their shift. It only lasts a day, mind you, but I am already making more.”

Kellan examines the liquid. “How fast can you recreate the tonic?”

“I can make a new bottle every week, Lord.”

“Perfect,” Kellan says, then reverently hands the bottle back to David. “I will send someone for the potion in the morning. Thank you, my friend. We’ll let you return to your meal.”

“Oh, but there is more.” David puts the purple liquid bottle back and retrieves a vial with an iridescent substance inside. This one I’ve seen before. It’s the dragon’s saliva. Kellan’s eyes widen and he gingerly takes the vial. “It’s done then?” he asks.

“Yes, Lord. The Regent said the final sample trial was successful, so he had me get on the rest immediately. I had such a time spelling the larger amount, but I am confident that it is ready.”

Amora eyes the vial but stays silent.

Sample trial? How could they possibly test whether or not the dragon saliva will work in getting rid of the shadow demons?

Kellan smiles and slaps the man on the back. “Well done! Well done, indeed!” His infectious smile spreads to Mr. Nahva. “Please, keep it safe for now. I will retrieve it before heading out on our quest.” He hands the vial back to Mr. Nahva. “Your work will save all of Thaaryn, and I will make sure the people know that it was magic cast by a good sorcerer that saved the kingdom.”

We start to walk out, and I cast one more glance over my shoulder at Amora. She gives me a slight smile before Kellan walks behind me blocking my view of her. We leave the Nahva family’s apartment.

“What are the potions for, exactly?” I ask Kellan while we walk through the darker gray stone hallways.

“The first one is a tonic that will keep pixie venom from causing paralysis. We’ve had many attacks from pixies on our soldiers. I can’t tell you how hard it is to go to the victim’s home and have to tell a wife she’s now a widow.” A haunted look washes over his face. “To hear the children wail because they’ll never see their father again. It’s—well it’s something I hope I won’t have to do for much longer.” His face brightens. “The second is the one that will rid us of the shadow demon threat for good.”

“If you have magic dragon spit, then what do you need me for?”

“The magic spit is only one part of the equation. We need you for protection so that we can travel to where another part of the equation is located.”

“Well, that’s vague.”

He has the decency to look sorry. “It’s on a need-to-know basis. Even I don’t have all of the information yet, and it’s my father who’s been planning this for some time. But believe me, we need you. There was another attack just yesterday, east of here, a group of traveling performers; seventeen dead. That’s the third one reported this week. Shadow demons are attacking more frequently, and we don’t know why.”

A fist tightens in my chest. Is it because of me? Because they sensed my magic awakening? The magic that brought them here?

“Soon it will all be over.” He gently squeezes my hand wrapped around his arm. “You helped me get that saliva back here. And with your help on this quest, we’ll be able to save so many Thaaryn lives. Thank you.”

I shake my head. “Don’t thank me. I’m not doing it willingly,” I say matter a fact.

He gives me a crooked smile. “You could choose to leave right now if you wanted to.”

I roll my eyes. “Without my money? I don’t think so.”

His smile widens. “See, you’re coming along willingly.”

I slap him on the arm, but not hard, and huff a laugh.

As we walk, I can’t help the questions that swarm around my mind like unwanted gnats that refuse to let me be. Could I live here in the castle like the Nahva family and make potions and spells to help Kellan? To help the people of Thaaryn? Would it be my chance at redemption? But how would I be able to do that when I can’t even seem to control the darkness within me? And who are the shadow people? Does Kellan even know about them? And why did Amora seem so bothered when her father talked about them helping Kellan? Is there more going on than what I see on the surface?

Perhaps Amora was just in an argument with her father, or something else just as normal and mundane. Perhaps my trust issues are holding me back from finding true happiness and peace. Perhaps trusting Kellan and allowing myself to open up to him is the key to helping me through the darkness. I let Kellan lead me to the gardens and decide not to think any more about it tonight. Instead, I’ll have a nice evening and enjoy the company and the ice cream. I’ll deal with my burning questions and doubt later.