Page 4 of Magic Cursed

“Wait, there’s more,” I say. “The dragon scales, they’re worth a fortune! I need to gather more.”

“No time, we must leave.”

“I can’t see,” I say.

“I can. Just hold on to me.”

As if I have much of a choice. Without my sight, all I can do is let him lead. I stuff the dragon scale into the pocket I’d specifically sewn into my leathers and mourn having to leave behind the others.

The dragon makes strange screechy noises and I hear its scuffles.

“Duck!” Rock says. I do and feel the breeze of what I assume is the dragon’s tail fly above our heads. “Keep going!” Rock pulls me along.

We stop abruptly. “Wrap your arms and legs around me and whatever you do, don’t let go.” He pulls me close, stomach to stomach, and reaches my arms up around his neck.

“Wait, what? What’s going on?” I ask but do as he instructs, securing my arms around his neck, and with a little hop, I wrap my legs around his waist.

“We’re jumping!” Then without another word or even time for me to process what he means, he leaps. Wind rushes around us. We’re free falling into open space. I scream. The dragon’s roar follows.

Rock really did come here to die and now he’s taking me with him.Great!



The dragon’s ear-shattering roar falls farther and farther behind us as we plummet to our deaths. Just when I think we’re going to slam into the surface of the water at a deadly velocity, an invisible pull lifts us. I screech, almost losing my grip on Rock, but his arms are firm, one around my back, and the other under my ass. We’re still falling, but it’s controlled. When I realize we’re not going to die, after all, I work to slow my breathing. And that’s when my cheeks warm at just how close and intimate of a position we’re currently in.

“I’ve got you,” Rock says in my ear, and holds me a little closer.

Yes. . .yes, he does. And his hardness growing between us tells me just how much he’s enjoying holding me so close. I can’t help the heat that flushes my body at the sensation of him, of my body wrapped around his firm one, of his warm breath on my neck. The caress of it brings goosebumps to my flesh. It has been far too long since I’ve had a man entertain me.

“Rock. . .really?” I ask, trying to sound reprimanding but my voice comes out a little too husky. “You’re seriously turned-on right now?”

“Sky,” he says with a shrug. “I have a woman wrapping her body around mine, during an adrenaline-inducing moment. I can’t be held responsible for how my body responds.”

I sigh. “Well, tell your little rock to calm itself.”

He chuckles and gods above and below, thevibrationof it. “We both know there is nothing little about this rock-hardsituation,” he says into my ear.

“You’re insufferable.”

“I promise I won’t do anything you don’twantme to.” There is more suggestion in his promise than assurance.

My vision finally comes back, blurry. Are those wings sprouting from Rock’s pack? It’s like nothing I’ve seen before. The frame is arrow-shaped with material stretched tightly over it. The contraption catches the air, somehow keeping us aloft. We silently soar through the sky with the wind whipping around us. It’s beautiful and although it’s not magic, it’s magical.

“We’re actually flying,” I say.

“More gliding than flying.” His breath tickles, sending goosebumps along my arms. “But it’s still magnificent, isn’t it?”

“It’s unbelievable.” Then I think about how unbelievable it is that he’s still alive. “How did you survive? Are you a magic user?”

“No, but I know one who cast an impenetrable spell on me. It has probably worn off by now. It doesn’t last long.”

A ripping sound has us both looking up. The fabric is tearing. Rock’s wide eyes tell me he hadn’t expected this, but then the glider was probably only made for one person’s weight. Before either of us can do anything, it tears the rest of the way and we fall, plummeting toward the fjord waters below. I don’t know if we’re close enough to the water for it to embrace us or kill us on impact. Wind tears at me, my stomach is in my throat, and I silently pray to the gods and goddesses that these aren’t my final moments. As the water races to meet us, I scream.

I’m torn from Rock’s grip on impact. The blow of it is hard and disorienting. Ice-cold water engulfs me, filling my mouth and sending shocks of pins and needles all over my body. But only one thing matters right now: survival. And for that, I need air. I kick for the surface, fighting against the pull of my clothes and boots. I consider taking them off but there’s no time. Besides, I can’t exactly trek back home barefoot.

I break the surface, spit out the salt water, and breathe deep, filling my lungs with much-needed air.The scale.I reach into my pocket and sigh in relief when the smooth surface ensures me it’s still there. I whip my head around, searching, but Rock still hasn’t surfaced. The water is glassy aside from the ripples coming from me. He’s nowhere. I curse and take a deep breath before plunging back into the water to search for him.