“Catching on, are we?” I ask. Daimis chuckles at my comment. “Why do you look so surprised, Golden-eyes? I told you when we first met, I’m a survivor.”
Rock smiles. “That you did.” His gaze wanders to the bandages that creep up my neck and his face grows somber. “Although, you didn’t go unscathed.” Rock leans forward. “Can I get you anything? Water? Soup?”
The hero through and through. I stole from him, he knows I’m a magic user, and he’s more concerned with my well-being than anything else. I don’t deserve it. “I’m fine, just a scratch.”
Daimis sighs in irritation. “Sky, tell ushowyou survived.”
I narrow my eyes at him. “I already told you; I don’t remember.”
Daimis’s jaw ticks. He can tell I’m lying and if he’s anything like the boy I knew, he won’t let it go. And then there’s Rock. He knows I’m a magic user and though he hasn’t said anything yet, I don’t know if he plans to keep my secret. Either of them could be my destruction if I’m not careful.
I’ll just have to deal with one at a time. First, I need to get Rock alone to figure out if he’s going to reveal my secret or not, but Daimis is determined to find out what I know. I look at the concern on Rock’s face and realize the best way out of this situation is through his chivalry. He and Daimis obviously have a good relationship. Rock may have sway over Daimis. I’ll need to prey off Rock’s innate desire to be the hero for the fallen damsel.
“Don’t you understand how important this is?” Daimis asks, leaning forward. “Why don’t you talk me through it again, from the beginning.”
“Please, it’s just too much.” I shake my head, then wince at the pain the movement caused, not all of it an act. I really got myself banged up this time. “I can’t think straight, I’m exhausted. I need rest. I’ll try later, I promise. I just can’t seem to think around the pain.” I turn to look pleadingly at Rock, knowing just how to use my baby blues as a tool. “I just can’t.” The look on Rock’s concerned face lets me know it worked like a charm.
Daimis tries to argue, but Rock stands up. “Daimis, please, let her rest. She’s hurt and weak, she’s obviously had enough for one day. I insist you let her body heal, then we’ll get to the bottom of how she survived the shadow demon.”
Daimis gives me a hard look, but I don’t flinch. I hold his stare with one of my own. I can practically see the strength that he’s reining in just below the surface. There’s a dangerous quality to it, but it doesn’t scare me. If anything, it’s familiar.
“She’s anything but weak,” he says to Rock, never taking his eyes from mine. He’s perceptive, too. Then like a switch, he gives me a devilishly handsome smile. “But very well. We’ll talk more later, Sky, Demon-slayer. Rest up.”
Okay, a part of me really likes the name he just coined for me. But I have to stay far away from Daimis. Once I’m healed, I’ll escape the castle and get my ticket to the Southern Isles. I bow my head slightly. “Your Highness.”
Daimis walks off, his gait full of grace and power. Rock starts to follow, but I grab his hand. “Will you sit with me for a minute? Just until I fall asleep?”
He smiles. “Of course.” He sits on the chair by the bed. If I didn’t know better, I’d think Daimis’s shoulders stiffened before he disappeared out the door.
Once the door clicks shut, I turn to Rock. “Okay, first of all, what’s your real name?”
He shrugs. “I suppose there’s no point in keeping it from you now. Lord Kellan Fareway, top advisor to the prince, at your service.”
Kellan? My veins freeze. That’s why I didn’t recognize him. I didn’t know a blond-haired, golden-eyed boy with a hero complex. I only knew a blond-haired, golden-eyed boy who was manipulative, mean, and gained pleasure in my personal unhappiness, and now he has the knowledge to ruin me.
Kellan Fareway is the advisor to Prince Daimis and will be his second once Daimis ascends the throne. Kellan’s also the son of Lord Galen Fareway, the Regent. His father was the Good King, Gregor Berhane’s third, so when the king and my father died, overnight he was made Regent until Daimis comes of ruling age on his twenty-fifth birthday.
Kellan leans forward and lowers his voice. “Don’t tell anyone, not even Prince Daimis, that I work with a magic user. We both know how the Prince, and the kingdom, feels about magic users as a whole.” He sighs. “Not everyone understands how useful magic can be in keeping Thaaryn safe. Old wounds run deep here. You keep my secret, and I’ll keep yours. Deal?”
I almost sag in relief. I don’t like the idea of the kid who made my childhood a living hell having anything over me. But just as Daimis has changed, as I have changed, I have to consider the fact that Kellan could have changed too. Besides, it’s a mutual agreement where we both have something to lose, that I can agree to.
“Deal,” I say. It doesn’t mean I trust him, but at least we have an understanding.
Kellan nods. “So, what’s your real name?”
“Sky,” I say, with mock offense.
He eyes me. “Still not ready to tell me?” He shrugs. “That’s okay. I’ll win you over eventually and then you’ll tell me.” He winks. “You might even give me that token one day. We got close the other night.”
That was when I thought I’d never see him again, and even then I didn’t let it go very far. “Don’t hold your breath,” I say.
He chuckles, then his face grows serious. “When Daimis gave me my cuff and told me it was found on the survivor of the shadow demon attack.” He stops and his eyes go distant. His hands squeeze into fists. “I thought something happened to you. I searched each victim in that alley–––”
I reach out and hold his hand, which relaxes under my touch. “Hey, it’s okay. I’m here. I’m fine.” I’m such a bitch. I seduced him, stole from him, and left him to wake up alone, and he was just worried for my safety. “I’m sorry.”