Here we go with the second chance bullshit. Why do people think when they cheat, they deserve a second chance? Seriously, it makes no sense.
“You’re psychotic. You only started ‘needing’ me when you found out I was seeing someone else. Like I told your mom, you can’t turn a whore into a housewife.”
Lindsee looks over at me. “You’re seeing her? The whore is her? She’s married. She’s probably after your money or something.”
A big laugh comes out of me. “Unlike yourself, I work for my money. I don’t depend on a man to make a living.”
“I’ve seen you parked outside of my house so many times it’s creepy. Do I need to get a restraining order on you?” Jay asks. “Also, you entered my house without my knowledge. That’s a whole other issue.”
“Wow. What a creep,” I hear Lia say in the background.
At this point we’re all waiting around, waiting to see what Lindsee says next to make a fool out of herself. Alex has taken a seat and is enjoying the show. I don’t understand what Jay ever saw in her. He told me she got dumber after they split. Almost as if she was trying too hard to find someone else to latch onto. It’s obviously not working.
“What happened to you and Noah? Were his ex-wife, kids, child support, and alimony too much for you to handle?” Jay asks.
“No. He still wants me. He’s actually begging for me back. But I don’t want him. I want you.” She reaches over to grab Jay’s hand. I step in front of her and grab his hand so she can’t touch it.
“You need to leave,” I say.
“No, you need to leave like you did last time I was here.”
We’re now standing face to face. I reach down slowly and grab the hose from Jay’s hand, so she doesn’t notice. Once I have it in my hand, I reach up fast, so Lindsee doesn’t have time to react, and I start spraying her in the face. She screams and backs up, covering her face with her hands. I stop spraying her and put down the hose. I hear laughter in the background coming from Alex and Lia.
“Oh, my god. How dare you?” Lindsee looks back at both of them, laughing. “I can’t believe you, Jay. How can you be with a woman like this?”
“It’s a hell of a lot easier than being with a woman that sleeps with her fiancé’s best friend.”
“You’re going to regret this, Jay. Just watch. You will miss me and want me back, and by then it will be too late. This whore can’t give you what I can give you.” Lindsee’s scrawny finger points to me.
“You’re right, Lindsee. She can give me better. She already has.”
I drop the hose and wrap my arms around Jay’s midsection. Lindsee’s face looks horrified, and Alex walks over to her and grabs her by the arm.
“I think it’s time for you to go.”
She allows him to pull her away. Alex looks over at Lia and says, “I’ll be back. I have to take out the trash really quick.”
Lindsee gasps out an “Ugh!”
All of us start laughing—well, all of us aside from Jay. I look up at him, not letting him go. His face looks defeated. I don’t know if it’s because of Lindsee, Aiden, or both.
Or maybe even me.
The last coupleof days flew by way too fast. I wish I could stay longer but it’s our last night here. Alex and Lia went out to a bar. They invited us, but Jay wanted to stay home. He didn’t ask me if I wanted to stay with him or not, but I decided to stay. After that night with Lindsee, he’s been a little standoffish. We haven’t even been intimate except for the kissing, hugs, and small touches here and there. With my short time here, I don’t want to make a big deal out of it, but I can sense he’s off.
I do like that we have a connection that goes beyond sex. I thought he didn’t want to show me all he wants is sex from me. Maybe he’s waiting for us to be official? Maybe he thinks I’m still sleeping with Aiden after telling him he’s trying to get back with me? All these scenarios have been running through my mind for the past couple of days. I’m not even in the right place to even ask him why. He might call it quits tonight. I was a little hesitant about staying with him alone because of that. I wouldn’t blame him. My life is a mess right now. I’m trying to make it right, but Aiden is making it hard.
After pulling my popcorn bag out of the microwave, I close it. I reach into the cupboard by the fridge and grab a cup to fill it up with ice and water.
“Would you like a drink?” I ask Jay. He’s in the living room on the couch with his laptop in his lap. He told me he has some emails to answer really quick and promised it wouldn’t take too long.
“Can you grab me a beer?”
I open the fridge and reach in and grab a beer. Walking over to the couch where Jay is at, I hand him his beer and set my water down on the coffee table. I sit down next to him and start eating the popcorn, trying not to disturb him while he’s working, but I’m eager to ask what’s been going on.