Bale stays at a distance, glaring at her with a scowl. He’s fighting this, fighting her better than I’m able to.
“So what’s the plan? Testing out a little rope play?” She laughs, her eyes lighting up like we’ve given her a gift.
“No. We string you up and lure them both out. You can watch us torture them, tear their hearts from their chests, and then we’ll send you on your merry way,” Bale growls before prowling off through the trees with a sinister grin.
“What he means to say is, yes, Wynn. We’re going to play with some rope, and you, pretty girl, will be the bait.” I walk over to her, jutting my chin in the direction of the Academy. “Now let's go get you cleaned up and changed.”
The fire mutt is leaning against the hall beside our door, his fire-filled gaze pinned on mine as I approach. I don't have the time for this bullshit, especially without Luka here as a buffer.
“Sorry, Fluffy, no pets allowed. Now get the fuck out.”
“As much as I would love to tear your arrogant ass to shreds, Bale, I’m here to help. I know Lucian is here, hunting her. I also know that there are likely more being sent in because I went against command and didn't bring her back for him or kill her.” His jaw is clenched, anger clinging to every word he speaks. “I can't explain the pull I have to her, but we don't have the time to fuck around and figure it out. What's the plan?”
We don't have the time to linger on how much of a mess things have become, not now with Wynn being prettied up like a sacrifice as we speak.
Unlocking the door, I walk into the large, dark space we call home. It’s more of a wing than a room, thanks to Father and his ties to the place, with a lounge connecting the two bedrooms. Every surface is black, down to the stained timber furniture.
“Come in, but touch anything in here and I will rip your beating heart from your chest. I don't want a flea infestation or some shit.”
His laugh is gravelly, echoing throughout the room, with small wisps of smoke leaving his body with each movement. “You ARE aware that we’re not wolves or dogs, right? Not even close.”
“Looks like a dog. Smells like a dog. Acts like a dog.” I nod, emphasizing each phrase. “Sounds like a dog to me.”
He leans his back against the door casually, keeping a safe distance despite our current conversation.
“Wynn will be tied in the woods for wolf boy 2.0 to sniff out. Then we question him, have some fun, and send him to purgatory with the others. Now that you’re here though, you would have some of the answers we need anyway,” I state, walking toward my bedroom to grab two lengths of rope from the duffle under my bed that we usually take hunting. “Why don't you tell me why hellhounds have been tearing students to shreds and hunting Wynn?” I call out, wrapping the lengths of rope around my hand tightly while I walk back into the lounge.
“Look, Bale, I know limited information. Hounds don't get let loose here often, until lately, because Lev knew she was coming, and most are unhinged. They would have been ripping people apart for the fun of it. As for Wynn, I was sent as a test. One I failed. I was to take her back to Lev or kill her on sight because of the fates. That's all I know,” he admits, the flames in his eyes burning brighter as he talks about her.
“Alright. I don't like you, not even a little, but it could be of some use to have you there. Don't approach Wynn, but circle at a distance just in case he sends more. Once we deal with the rejected wonder pup, we can regroup and try to figure out what the fuck is going on.” I scowl, crossing my arms across my chest with the rope dangling from my hand. My jaw clenches, fangs painfully piercing through my inner lip and spreading the metallic taste of blood through my mouth.
“Just keep her safe. I know you act like you hate her, but keep her safe. I’ll be there in the shadows, but do not fuck this up and put her at risk,” he growls, stalking out of the room.
“I will protect her with my life,” I whisper under my breath and make my way to her room.
Myarmsarepulledabove my head, yanking the hem of the already short dress Luka had picked to skate along my upper thigh. The slight wind is cool against my exposed core, my panties still firmly in Bale’s possession.
“Remember the plan. Nothing we say in front of it is true, okay? If he suspects we have any interest in you, even a little, we risk him killing you straight away,” he says, expertly tying off the rope.
“Aw, cute. Acting like you care, how sweet. If I didn’t chase the high that fear brings, I wouldn't be tied up to this tree, Luka. This shit is exciting.” I laugh, the movement causing the tree to scrape painfully along my back . I can feel droplets of blood cascading down my spine, gathering in the fabric that hugs my hips tightly.
Luka pauses, his eyes tracking down my thighs intensely while he ties my ankles to the tree tightly. I find myself staring at him while he’s on his knees and gripping my ankles with his searingly hot touch.
I feel a pull toward both of the twins, like my body craves to be closer to theirs the more I’m around them. It could be the danger of them drawing me in, the thrill setting my body alight. Maybe it’s the darkness that consumes me when I’m near them. Whatever it is, I’m quickly becoming addicted to the feeling.
Luka’s grip on my ankles tightens, pulling me from my train of thought and back to the man staring at my bare core, which would be on full display from his position. A familiar heat begins to build under his intense gaze before two sharp, black points tear through his t-shirt along his shoulder blades.
Holy shit. Why is that so fucking hot?
“Little Wynn, I’m going to need you to do something for me, okay? I need you to think of something mundane. Something you dislike, like unicorns or some shit, knowing you, but definitely something not pleasant. At all.” His eyes are locked on mine, with not a hint of humor crossing them.
“Unicorns? Are you on crack, Luka? Your dad is literally Satan. Surely he can afford rehab. Wait, do they have drugs in he—”