The two of us are not like others of our kind. Our genetics are unique, having one parent who is a Prince of Hell and the other from the first bloodline of vampires. Where most demons and vampires are created, we were born.
Having grown up dealing with our true forms escaping at inopportune times, we have adapted well. Keeping it under control comes almost naturally to the pair of us, so today has been unexpected, to say the least.
My shoulder blades burn my already heated skin, the black wings fighting with my will to escape. I try to stretch my neck, rolling my shoulders back in an attempt to ease the pain that I know is coming, but it's useless.
The tips slice through my skin as I pick up my pace, running toward her room, knowing that's exactly where he will be. He would have felt the same pull that I did being up close to her and would be craving more of it, only this time without her taunting us.
She doesn't know how thin our control seems to be around her and how dangerous it could be for all of us if that control happens to fucking snap.
Black,lengthenedclawssplinterthe timber of her desk, the pressure snapping it in two as her laptop and candles tumble onto the floor with a loud thud. Her scent is so strong in here, and yet she has only been here for a day. Imagine the carnage for us both if she stays... My entire body feels like it’s on high alert, picking up on every single sound and smell, something I have managed to keep fucking contained for years. I have only just met the girl, and I don't know whether I want to tear her to pieces or bury myself inside her wet cunt while I feast on her pretty little neck.
My combat boots fall heavy on the floor as I storm over to her dresser, ripping the drawers from the rollers one by one to find the source of the pull I’m feeling. There’s something here thats drawing me in and feeding the monster that I’m trying my best to contain.
The scent of her blood burns my nose as I get to the last drawer, finding her panties. They’re folded perfectly, a range of lace and cotton in shades of red and black. I curl my hand around them, bringing a handful up to my nose and inhaling deeply, a low growl escaping my throat at the scent. They smell of washing powder and blood, mixed with the sweet scent of her. The panties are completely clean, but my senses are always heightened being what I am. Even more so when my body is on alert like this, which isn't often anymore.
I collect all her panties from the drawer, filling my blazer pockets to the brim, partially to teach the little bitch a lesson but also because it means I can take the scent of her with me. Just as the last pair hits my pocket, Luka appears in the doorway, his eyes wide and red.
“What the fuck did you do, Bale?” he yells, storming into the space and taking in the carnage. His blazer is torn along his back, with two large, pointed wing tips ripping through the material. She’s affecting him just as much as she is affecting me.
“He was right, wasn't he? About her?” I growl, my claw fidgeting with a bit of lace in my pocket carefully. It's not like I don't have enough money to replace them if I tear them to shreds, but I don't want to rip them all. Not just yet anyway.
Luka paces the length of her room, balling his hands into fists before releasing his grip and going again. His heart rate begins to slow back to a normal rate within minutes before he turns to me and nods.
“Let's get out and call Dad. He would know, and if he doesn't, one of the princes surely would,” Luka says calmly, turning on his heel and leaving the room as quickly as he can with his wings tucked tightly behind him.
We need to make her leave Blackstone as soon as possible. Luka and I are here for a purpose, a protection order from our father to the school. The last thing we need is to not have any control over ourselves.
If his prediction is correct and this puny little human is our mate, we will break her, and that has the potential to ruin both of us. There is lore about angels being able to be with humans safely, but not for our kinds. If she stays, she risks not only the very reason we were put here but us in general, and I’m not letting her fuck our lives up like that.
Our father built the Academy over four hundred years ago to sit right over Hell's gates. At the time, it was a ruse, a cover for the gates, and a place to stay if he was needed here on this plane. Over the years, suspicion rose about the property in the middle of the woods after hunters and hikers found it on their travels.
He, along with the other princes, decided that it would become Blackstone Academy. A school for the criminals, the outcasts, and the pretty little bitches who burn their entire school to the ground apparently. The space is large enough to be overseen by humans easily, and at least one demon would be able to integrate into the school to keep watch. It had been quiet for years, until now.
“Dad is coming to visit anyway, to check on how we’re doing,” Luka growls from ahead, sounding pissed. “As for our little Wynn issue, he started rambling about all that fate bullshit again, so he is absolutely no help. I say we run her out, scare her off a little. She wouldn't survive the bond between the three of us anyway, being human. We can't have her here if our control is going to slip like this, or we will end up back down in the rings with Dad.”
I nod in agreement, ideas flooding through my mind of the fun we could have with this, with her, before we run her out for good.
The two of us storm down the hall, ignoring the stares from the students parting to let us walk through. We need to get back to our wing and plan some of this out before our father gets here, or we are in a world of shit that I would rather not be in. I thrive in chaos, but the Ring of Wrath that we call home is not the place for a vampire. At least, not for me.
If it wasn't for the bond I have with Luka, I would have escaped Hell or died trying well before now. Fucked off just like my mom had, as far away from Hell as I could get. I have tried to run, to flee from the shit. I always ended up going back because, as much as he pisses me off, Luka is a part of me with the whole twin bond thing.
Being separated for periods of time physically hurts the both of us, so after a few failed attempts, I stayed and put up with the torment of being the ‘bad twin’ in Hell with our tyrant of a father. Being one of two born sons of Satan came with big expectations, none of which I could live up to based purely on the fact that I was born a vampire and not a demon.
A large figure stops me in my tracks, tearing me from my thoughts as I slam into him mid-stride. “Boys, I think we need to have a chat. Now!” Headmaster Pierce orders, nodding down the hall toward his office. I don't move, crossing my arms over my chest and raising a brow at Pierce.
Luka laughs off to the side, jumping up to sit on a display table along the wall with his legs swinging gleefully. “Grab your popcorn, boys and girls, the show is about to begin.” He grins, settling into his spot with a smirk plastered across his face. Asshole.
Students start flowing into the hall, some taking out their cameras and facing them my way while the others whisper in hushed tones.
What does Pierce think he's doing? Bale’s a psycho.
Did you see how he stormed out earlier?
He looks so fucking hot when he's mad.