Page 15 of Cruz: Skin Deep


“It’s got cruise control. I might just turn it on and kick back till we get there.” He turned his head sideways when he said that, and it took all of her self-control not to plant a big wet kiss on his sexy face. He wasn’t wearing a helmet…just a bandana, and it made him look even hotter than before…if that was at all possible.

As they drove away from the group, they didn’t notice the Harley parked beside the strange-looking bright red coffee vending van at the side of the road.

Brian looked up just as he heard the Harley drive past and he could see that it was the ugly orange one that the big guy had been riding in the group. He wondered where he was off too…but it wasn't Cruz’s bike, so he went back to enjoying his café au lait. He’d managed to grab some food from a food van earlier, and he was feeling ready to ride wherever he needed to go.

He had to wait another hour for the group to ride past. He started his bike and followed them, keeping far enough behind so as not to look suspicious, but being careful not to lose their tail.

He hadn't heard from Jimmy. He wondered why that was.I don’t wanna hear from the fucker but it sure would be nice to know what he’s up to.He shrugged that thought off and tried to relax into the ride while he mulled over what he was going to do.How the fuck am I going to get Cruz alone?

“Fuck,” he said aloud. His phone was vibrating again.Probably fucking Jimmy.

“Answer the fucking phone,” Jimmy shouted as he raced past trucks hogging the left lane. His music was still blaring, and he was drinking Red Bulls to stay alert.

He turned off at Baton Rouge and pulled over to the side of the road. Cruz and Brian could be anywhere. Unless he heard from Brian, he would never have chance of finding them unless he got lucky. He rang again, and again, and again… and each time he got more furious. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!” He threw his phone on the seat and it bounced into the door.

He bent down and picked it up to make another call. “Bo, have you fucking heard from Brian?”

“Nah, man…why?”

“Obviously, because I fucking haven’t.”

“Haven’t heard a word either. Last I knew he was heading to Baton Rouge. He’s probably there now.”

“Yeah, like that’s any fucking use. Did he say anything else?” Jimmy said.

“Nah. Not a thing. Sorry, man.” Jimmy ended the call abruptly.

“And fuck you too, Jimmy. Asshole!” Bo slipped the phone back in his pocket and shook his head.Like anyone would want to help you anyway. Motherfucker.



“Jimmy,one of the boys was out riding and he saw two Skulls nomads in town…getting pizza…so he stayed on them and he’s at Lafreniere now.”

“And?” Brian talked too much for Jimmy. All he wanted were the facts. He never did like Brian dating his daughter, but Brian was a means to an end now. Once Cruz was dead, Jimmy would have no need for Brian in his life either.

“There’s a group of Skulls and Jokers with their old ladies.”

“Is Cruz there?”


“Why the fuck didn’t you just tell me?” Jimmy picked up his keys and headed for his pickup. “I’m on my way.” He ended the call before Brian could tell him that Bo said they were hitting the road already. Jimmy wouldn’t get there in time.

Fuck. I shouldn’ta called him. Never liked the asshole. I need to get to Cruz before he does.He called Bo, the guy who had spotted Cruz and told Brian of his whereabouts.

Bo had started to follow the bikers when his cell phone vibrated. He knew it would be Brian, so he pulled over to the curb. “Yeah?”

“I’ll be there in a minute, Bo. You can get back to what you’re doing…I got this,” Brian said.

“Cheers, man. I’ve got stuff to do anyway. They’re headingWeston I-10. Could be a long ride for ya,” he said.

“I’ll follow him to the west fucking coast if it takes that long to put a bullet in his head,” Brian said.

“Good luck, man,” Bo told him.