Page 4 of Stallion

“He sometimes caters my dad’s parties. I usually hang out in the kitchen and talk to him.”

“Where do you live?”

“Above the lake, but I’m not going home. I hate that creepy place. I want to stay at that new hotel across the river.”

“That’s not exactly next door,” he remarked, moving off the bar stool and returning to the register.

She didn’t respond, and as he rang up the cheesecake and slipped in the cash, he was suddenly overcome by a heavy yawn.

It had been a long day.

Driving all the way through the valley and across the bridge was an unappealing option.

Taking her key fob and slipping it into his pocket, he ran her credit card for the drinks, then turned to hand her the receipt. But her head was in her arms on top of the counter, and her elbow was perilously close to the mugs and the dish holding the half-eaten cheesecake.

Stuffing the receipt into his pocket, he quickly picked them up and carried them into the kitchen. Leaving them amongst a stack of plates waiting to be rinsed off, he hurried back to the bar.

“Hey, Eleanor,” he said, gently shaking her shoulder. “It’s time to wake up.”

“Ellie, call me Ellie,” she mumbled, barely moving.

“I have to take you home. What’s your address?”

“No! I’m not going there. Just take me to the hotel…the new one,” she grunted, then slowly lifting her gaze, she looked at him with bleary eyes. “Fuck, I can’t believe it. That vodka went straight to my head.”

“Obviously, but you still have to stand up. Lean against me,” he said, trying to help her to her feet.

He could see her legs were like jello, and deciding it would be easier to carry her, he swiftly scooped her up.

“Can’t we go to your place?” she bleated, curling against his chest as he carried her outside.

“Out of the question.”

“Why? I’ll be good, I promise. Just put me on the couch. I can pay you. I have money, lots of it. Please? Where’s my bag? Shit. It must be on the barstool.”

Shaking his head, he strode across to his truck and managed to settle her into the passenger seat, but as he buckled the seat belt, he couldn’t help but admire her shapely figure.

“Ellie, I’ll only be a minute. Stay put.”

Hurrying back inside, he spotted the bag on the floor and quickly picked it up, but as he turned to leave, Alan emerged from the kitchen.

“Hey, Stallion, why are you still here?”

“Eleanor left her bag behind, and must you keep calling me that.”

“Why do you care? You didn’t in college.”

“That was because of football, there was context.”

“Yeah, the Stallions,” Alan said with a nostalgic sigh. “Those were the days. I still don’t know why you didn’t turn pro.”

“I preferred horses and I still do. Oh, here,” he said, pulling Eleanor’s credit card slip from his pocket. “She didn’t get around to signing this. I’ll cover it. Just take it from my paycheck.”

“No chance. You did me a big favor coming in tonight. But word of advice. Be careful. Her daddy’s a bigwig.”

“I’m always careful. Let me know when you need me again.”

“Of course. You’re great for business. The ladies love you.”