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Keep reading for an excerpt from A VERY CRIMSON CHRISTMAS by Michelle Major.

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A Very Crimson Christmas

Michelle Major

Chapter One

Natalie Holt blinked open one eye and slapped her hand against the alarm clock blaring out heavy metal music. Heavy metal wasn’t typically popular in the mountains, but she’d managed to tune in to a college station situated a few towns over from where she lived in Crimson, Colorado.

Not her preference, but she slept through every other genre from classical to country to talk radio. Even the annoying default alarm buzz couldn’t jolt her awake these days. Probably a result of averaging about four hours of sleep each night.

Last night had been closer to three hours since she’d stayed up to finish the month-end medical billing for the senior living center where she worked. She’d been lucky to pick up the extra position—her official third job. She needed the money but couldn’t afford to take any more time away from her nine-year-old son, Austin. A decent night’s sleep was one of the few expendable items on her schedule.

Austin was the best thing in her life, and Natalie would manage through bleary-eyed sleep deprivation or walk on hot coals if it meant keeping him safe. Even if she collapsed from utter exhaustion in the process.

But she wasn’t dead yet, so she dragged herself out of bed and threw on a sweatshirt and pair of black yoga pants that hadn’t seen the inside of a yoga studio for years. It was Saturday morning, which she hoped meant Austin was still asleep. When she found the door to his room open she expected to find him at the computer or in front of the TV. Instead, the farmhouse where they’d been living for the past several months was quiet.

She headed down the stairs toward the hallway that led to the master bedroom, but something caught her eye out the front window. Shading her eyes against the bright morning light, she stepped onto the porch, wrapping her arms around herself to ward off the frigid temperatures. It was the start of December, so the cold air and dusting of snow on the flagstone porch were to be expected, but still a shock. Not smart to brave the cold precoffee.

An enormous black SUV sat in the driveway, and a shiver of unease slithered up her spine. Who would be paying such an early morning visit to Ruth Keller, the elderly woman who owned the property? And where was her son at this hour of the day?

She turned and went back into the house. The farmhouse had been remodeled with two distinct sections, the bedrooms on one side and the main living area with the kitchen, dining room, office and family room on the other. Her heart raced, then slowed as she found Austin curled on Ruth’s bed with her, reading aloud from one of his beloved Magic Tree House series of books.

“Hey, Mom, I’m keeping Miss Ruth company.” He smiled, showing off the gap between his two front teeth. Orthodontia was definitely a part of their future, but Natalie would put off that financial worry for another day.

Ruth’s smile was softer. “Good morning, dearie. I hope you weren’t worried about Austin.”

“Not at all,” Natalie lied. “But next time wake me up before you come downstairs. Okay, bud?”

“Sure, Mom.”

“And maybe you should give Miss Ruth some room on the bed. I don’t want you to put any pressure on her hip.”

Ruth placed a hand on Austin’s arm when he went to move. “He’s fine. I like the company.”

Natalie didn’t doubt that for a second. Ruth Keller was a firecracker of a woman, even pushing her mideighties. She liked to be independent and active, which was why she’d initially hired Natalie to help with her care. According to Ruth, Natalie was the only nurse in town who didn’t treat her as if she had one foot in the grave. Natalie had been happy to coordinate doctors’ appointments, buy groceries and help around the house in exchange for using the two upper guest bedrooms. But Ruth had insisted on paying her as well, and Natalie was in no position to refuse the money. A few weeks ago, Ruth had fallen and bruised her hip, which increased Natalie’s responsibilities.