“Get out.” Kate’s eyes were huge, and she’d had her hand over her mouth the entire time Becca had been telling the story. Kate knew Isabel, and she also understood that Becca’s confronting her basically amounted to World War Three.

“Do you know what my mother had the nerve to say?”

Kate shook her head. “I have no idea. I’m terrified of your mother. I can’t believe you lived to tell the story.”

Becca nodded.

“She said my life needed a little more interference from somebody with better sense than I had, since I’d gone and gotten myself pregnant.”

Kate winced. “Oh, honey, I’m sorry. That’s really out of line.”

Becca lifted her chin a notch. “It is. As of right now, we’re not speaking. But after the numbness wore off, I realized I’ve been letting her get away with stunts like that my entire life. I’ve always thought if I just kept my mouth shut, if I did everything right, she’d love me—”

Becca’s voice broke. She cleared her throat.

“But I don’t think she knows how to love, Kate. Last night was an epiphany. All these years I’ve been thinking there was something wrong with me. Well, it’s not me, and I’m tired of her making me feel like I’m not good enough to earn her love.”

Becca felt her eyes start to well, and she swiped at the tears. The realization had been a weight lifted off her shoulders, but with the burden gone, the heaviness had been replaced by a strange sort of emptiness.

Kate put her hand on Becca’s arm and gave it a squeeze.

“Dare I ask, how did Nick handle everything?”

Becca shrugged. “I don’t know. He left before my mom and I had it out. I haven’t talked to him today. He seemed pretty overwhelmed by everything last night. He just got sort of quiet. I told him I’d be here. Told him that he could meet me for the tree lighting if he wanted to. I haven’t heard from him.”

“Well, that’s because he just walked up.”

Becca’s breath hitched in her chest.

Kate pointed with her head. “He’s right over there with Liam and Jake. I’m pretty sure they’re waiting for us to finish what we’re doing here so we can join them for the tree lighting.”

There he was. Standing there with the entire Sunday night football crew, looking as if he’d always been one of them.

Becca glanced at her phone. He hadn’t texted her. But he was here. He probably hadn’t texted her for the same reason she didn’t text him when he was at work. She had a job to do, and he respected that she didn’t have time to be on her phone.

It was actually a courtesy.

After all, he was here tonight. If he hadn’t wanted to see her, he could’ve stayed home or at least avoided her friends... But they had become his friends, too.

Becca checked in with the people from the mayor’s office, who were on the podium where the mayor would address the citizens of Celebration before pulling the lever that would officially light the Christmas tree for this season. They were all set. She pointed out the area at the right-hand corner of the stage and told them that’s where she’d be if they needed anything.

Then she took a deep breath and went down to join her friends. And Nick.

“There you are,” he said. “I was beginning to think you stood me up.”

He greeted her with a kiss, and everything seemed fine. She was so relieved she wanted to cry.

“I’m glad you’re here.”

He put his arm around her, and she snuggled into the warmth of him. She couldn’t think of any place else she’d rather be than right here with him.

“And two cups for Becca and Nick?” Pepper asked.

“Hey, Pepper. What’s going on?” Becca asked.

“Rob and I would like to buy everyone a cup of hot mulled wine. We need to toast the holidays.”

“Oh, that’s so nice of you. Nick? Would you like some wine?”

“Sounds great, thanks.”

“Okay, one each for Becca and Nick.”

Becca held up her hand. “None for me, thanks.”

“Come on, Becca,” said Pepper. “Don’t be a party pooper. We need to have a group toast.”

“I’ll toast with my water. I’m working.”

Pepper squinted at Becca. “Kate’s working, but she’s having wine. When did you become such a teetotaler? You’ve never turned down a glass of wine—until lately. What’s going on with you? Are you pregnant? You are, aren’t you?”