And then his tongue found its way to her center, and he worked his magic until she cried out in pleasure that was so intense it radiated off her in waves. Her first climax was compliments of his clever, teasing mouth, and the second time it was thanks to the long, soft gliding strokes of his fingers.

Spellbound, she turned onto her side and braced her hands on his strong, muscled chest, letting her hands discover him, feeling every muscled ridge. Then when she freed him of his pants and underwear and took him into her hands, his head dropped back.

He groaned as she savored the hot, smooth length of him.

Lowering her head, she swirled her tongue over him. His whole body stiffened, and he let out a sound that heartened and aroused her even more. With him, she wanted to do things she’d never done before, had never wanted to do with anyone else. She wanted him to see her pleasure in doing them with him.

He must’ve known, because everything about him was hard with arousal. And yet his hands were gentle as he turned her over onto her back and stared lovingly into her eyes.

“If you keep doing that, I won’t be any good to you. We have a lot more territory to cover.”

He leaned down and kissed her softly and slowly. “Becca, I’ve never seen anything more perfect than you in my life,” he said as he positioned himself over her. “You are flawless.”

His words nearly brought her to tears. No one had ever called her flawless. No one had even remotely thought of her that way. Or at least they hadn’t told her if they had. She’d spent so much time trying to live up to everyone’s expectations—the couple of former lovers she’d had, her family...

“You don’t know how many nights I’ve lain awake, thinking about this moment when we would be together again like this.”

She wanted to tell him that she felt the same way, but she was afraid that if she spoke she might break the spell or, even worse, wake up from this lovely dream.

Then he finally thrust into her, filling her with his muscle and heat. She gripped his shoulders tight, matching him thrust for thrust until she exploded in an orgasm that seemed to last forever.

His forehead glistened with sweat and his biceps bulged. Their gazes locked and he built a strong rhythm that got faster and faster until his teeth clenched and his face contorted. A long, guttural growl emanated from his throat. Then very slowly, ever so tenderly, he lowered his body to cover hers.

* * *

As a general rule, Nick wasn’t a fan of shopping malls, but over coffee and bagels early Monday morning before they both went to work, somehow Becca had talked him into meeting her at the mall after he got off work at seven that evening.

She wanted to look at baby furniture in Dallas. After last night, she might be able to talk him into just about anything.

He had taken a risk making love to her again—crossing that line and making implied promises he still, in his moments of doubt, wasn’t sure he could keep.

But damn, they were good together. In bed, they had a chemistry that could scorch the sun. He just hoped it didn’t mean that the relationship was combustible in other ways. Even that possibility didn’t burn away the reality that he liked waking up beside her.

His other reason for meeting her at the mall was that he wanted to talk to her about Dr. Stevens’s caution that, because they were pregnant with twins, the pregnancy was considered nearly normal.

Becca was healthy and Stevens had said sex was okay, but during a slow moment at work, Nick had done some research and discovered that even the slightly elevated risk associated with carrying twins warranted extra precautions as the pregnancy progressed.

He’d also picked out the best hospital in the area that specialized in high-risk births. He’d been eager to talk to her about it because he wanted her to tour the hospital to make sure she was comfortable with it, but he didn’t want to alarm her any more than Dr. Stevens had. Just as he started to broach the subject, a woman who was modeling a ruby ring and necklace at the entrance to a jewelry store spoke to Becca.

“This would look lovely on you,” she said, “with your fair skin and dark hair.”

Becca stopped to admire the jewelry.

“Would you like to try it on?” the woman asked.

“Oh, no, that’s okay,” Becca said as she continued to admire the necklace. “We’re in a hurry today. Maybe another time.”

The way she lingered over the unusual piece belied her objections.

Nick looked at his watch. “Go ahead,” he urged. “We have a few minutes.”