Page 68 of Fierce Seas

Dashing back to the safehouse in a powerful speedboat to pick her up, the moment he’d walked inside, he’d realized having her with him for the interrogation had been an excuse.

He’d missed her.

Hurriedly returning to St. Thomas, he’d left her in the safety of the small home, then he and Jack had hurried off to meet Jim at the airport.

Now looming over him in the dimly lit, small room, he was glad she was there, even though she’d allowed herself to get a bit carried away with the slap.

“So, Jim,” he continued, “do I feed you to Conchello, or will you cooperate?”

“I, uh, I don’t know what you mean,” Jim grunted.

“Don’t even go there,” Scott retorted, but before he could continue, his phone chirped. Pulling it from his pocket, he glanced at the screen. “Jim, I’m going to leave you to rethink that statement. Elizabeth, we need to step out for a minute.”

“I’d rather stay here and beat the crap out of him,” Elizabeth snapped, glaring at her former boss.

“If he doesn’t play ball I might just let you,” Scott replied calmly. “You can think about that too, Jim. She has claws as well as karate chops.”

Striding quickly to the door and gesturing Elizabeth to walk out ahead of him, he closed and locked it behind him.

“Scott, what is it? Why did we have to leave?”

“Take a look,” he replied, showing her the phone as he guided her down the hall and into a comfortable lounge.

The camera in Dan Miller’s hotel room had sent a signal to Scott’s phone alerting him to an intruder. Scott had been waiting for the appearance of one of Conchello’s men, but he hadn’t expected such an important errand boy.

“Who is that?” Elizabeth asked as they sat down on the couch.

“His name is Ewen McDonald. Conchello brought him in from Australia a few months ago to head up his operation here,” Scott replied, watching the blond-haired man begin a methodical search. “In a perfect world, I’d have him, Conchello, and all the other rats in one place and throw a net over them. Making deals with bad guys has never appealed to me.”

“Me either. You should try to get everyone at that camp on the island.”

“It’s hazardous, but if Plan A doesn’t work it’s an option.”

“You still haven’t told me about Plan A. In fact you still haven’t told me about a lot of things. When are you going to fill me in?”

“Soon,” he promised. “Ah, he’s found the rolled-up banknotes. That’s weird. He’s moving behind the back of that television set.”

“What the hell is he doing?” Elizabeth muttered. “It looks as if… yeah… he’s unscrewing the back.”

Captivated, they watched closely as Ewen reached inside and retrieved a package of white powder wrapped in plastic.

“I don’t believe it,” Elizabeth muttered, shaking her head. “Didn’t you search the room?”

“Of course, you saw us, but quickly, and we didn’t think to take the television apart,” Scott declared, hastily opening his briefcase on the coffee table and retrieving a second phone.

“Who are you calling?”


“So… he was here when you dropped me off, and with you when you picked up Jim, and the guy you were with when you picked up David Clark, right?”


“Dammit, Scott, you need to fill in all the blanks,” she demanded, glaring at him. “I still don’t even know who you work for, or should I say, who you two work for.”

“I told you I will,” he shot back as Jack answered the call. “Hey, Jack.”

“Hi, Scott, what’s up?”