Those unfamiliar with his barbaric nature thought him charming. At dinner parties he was delightful company, entertaining everyone with amusing anecdotes and witty remarks. They also welcomed the little packets of magic he never failed to offer. Occasionally, he would take his hosts aside and tell them about a marvelous new mind-enhancing product. It was hard to acquire and very costly, but for them, he’d see what he could do.
The ploy rarely failed.
But the warm, sparkling sun didn’t welcome him when he stepped off his jet. Staring up at the dark gray skies, he hoped the heavy clouds weren’t an omen.
The man in charge of his Caribbean operation, Ewen McDonald, hailed from Australia. Though relatively new to the organization, Ewen had proven to be creative, sharp, and reliable. As he stepped from the black SUV with the tinted windows, Sonny watched him hurry forward.
“Glad to see you beat the storm,” Ewen remarked as he approached.
“That makes two of us,” Sonny retorted, marching to the SUV. “Where’s Dan Miller?”
“Still in St. Thomas.”
“What about Scott Specter? Any idea where he’s taken Beth?”
“That’s a good news/bad news situation,” Ewen replied, settling behind the wheel as Sonny climbed into the back.
“I’m listening.”
“David Clark secured the names of the boats owned by Victoria Sailing School and he’s spotted one of them. Hi Ho Silver.”
“What’s the bad news?”
“You won’t like this, boss.”
“Obviously not if it’s bad news!” Conchello barked. “Just fucking tell me.”
“The yacht is anchored off our new island.”
“There are ninety fucking islands down here! What the fuck? Why did Specter end up going there?”
“It has to be coincidence. David and Jorge sped by the yacht when they first spotted it. There didn’t seem to be any signs of life, but when they went back a couple of hours later to unload some more crates it was still there. They drew alongside, didn’t see anyone, so they boarded and did a quick search. They didn’t find anything.”
“I need to think about this,” Sonny grunted, pulling out his phone. “When is this storm supposed to pass?”
“It should be gone by morning.”
“Make sure my launch is ready, and I need a girl tonight. You know what I like, tits and ass. No skinny model types.”
“Sure thing, boss.”
“Anything else I should know?”
“The shipment coming in from Puerto Rico has been delayed because of the storm.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Sonny muttered, but he’d already shifted his focus.
The tracker he’d placed in the wad of bills hadn’t moved in hours. Tapping the red dot, an image of the Lost Resort Hotel appeared on the screen. It was where Dan Miller had been staying. Conchello paused, thought for a moment, then called him.
“Hey, boss,” Dan exclaimed as he answered. “Have you landed?”
“Yeah, where are you?”
“In my room. Have you spoken to Ewen? I just found out he spotted the boat Specter probably used to get Elizabeth away.”
“I heard,” Sonny said brusquely. “What’s the latest on my money?”
“Nothing since we last spoke. I have those rolled-up bills, but that’s it. I assume Elizabeth still has the rest, or Beth, whatever name you want to use.”