Page 107 of Fierce Seas

“Then it’s settled, and I’m ready to sleep. Turn off that lamp.”

She switched off the small bedside light, and they slid between the sheets.

“Goodnight, Danny,” she murmured softly, snuggling against him. “Thank you for a wonderful evening.”

“Goodnight, Roxy baby. I had a great time too. The best in ages.”


“Yep, truly.”

But his eyes didn’t close.

Staring up at the ceiling, he was consumed with thoughts of the morning ahead. What he had to do was a huge risk, but it was one he had to take.


Waking from a deep sleep, Dan blinked open his eyes and glanced at his watch. It never left his wrist, but staring at the valuable timepiece, he wanted to sell it. One way or another, his days of living in fear were over. He’d either make himself disappear, or be dead. If he survived, the watch would be a constant reminder of dark days, and he certainly wouldn’t need it six feet under.

Roxy stirred next to him.

As much as he wanted to start the day devouring her, his mind was focused on his mission.

“Roxy baby, I have to roll,” he murmured, hugging her tightly. “I’m not sure when I’ll be back, hopefully this afternoon, but there are some things up in the air. I’ll call you when I can.”

“I’d like that,” she said softly.

“I need a favor. There are some bad dudes after me. If anyone asks if I’ve been here in the last twenty-four hours—”

“I haven’t seen you,” she said softly, interrupting him, “and whatever it is you have to do, I hope it goes smoothly.”

“Thanks, me too,” he muttered, wondering what the morning would bring.

“I’ll get you the keys.”

“There’s no need for you to get up, it’s still early. Stay in bed and get some sleep. Just tell me where they are.”

“The hall tree drawer. It’s berth 42 at the Crown Bay Marina. She’s a motor launch named Minnie. I keep her gassed up and ready to go.”

“Great, thanks, Roxy, you’re a lifesaver,” he said, kissing her quickly before climbing from the bed.

Though the word was an overused adage, she actually was.

Waking up to find Scott holding her from behind, and his stiff member sliding into her channel, Elizabeth moaned as he nuzzled her neck and kneaded her breasts. Losing track of time as he passionately pumped, and his hands roamed over her body, when she reached the brink and begged for permission to climax, she expected him to pause, but he continued his vigorous thrusting.

Suddenly placing his hand over her mouth, he whispered his permission and rode her into her orgasm. Muffling her cries as she shuddered through the spasms, he pressed his lips against her neck and stifled his loud groans. A few minutes later, still floating in the post-orgasmic haze, she felt him start to move from the bed.

“Do you have to leave already?” she asked, her eyes still half-closed. “Can’t you stay and snuggle for just a little while?”

“I have to check in and make sure there were no surprises overnight, then I’m having breakfast with Jack and heading to St. John. I have a meeting with the agents working with the catering companies. Once I’ve done that—”

“It’s okay. You don’t need to give me the laundry list.”

“You’re welcome to join Jack and me if you want,” he offered, walking into the bathroom. “He always cooks too much.”

“I will, I think I’m hungry.”

“You think?” he said with a chuckle, pausing at the door.