Page 105 of Fierce Seas

“Can you put the security camera network on my phone? It will give me something to do while I’m winding down.”

“There’s a television in the armoire.”

“I know, but I love looking at security cameras, they’re so intriguing,” she said with a grin, “even when there’s nothing going on.”

“I’ll give you another phone that has it already installed. It’s not like Einstein, but you’ll be able to monitor the cameras to your heart’s content, though I doubt there’ll be much to see. You go, and I’ll bring it to you shortly.”

As she ambled from the room, she could feel the fatigue moving through her body. She’d always thought of herself as athletic, fit, and healthy, but Scott was like Superman.

Readying herself for bed, she imagined him in his fatigues running black ops in the Middle East. She suspected he saw the operation against Conchello like a walk in the park compared to what he’d experienced in the past, but the drug lord could not be underestimated, not for a second. Just the thought sent a chill shivering down her spine.

As she climbed between the sheets, Scott walked in the door. Watching him stride across the room toward her, she couldn’t help but admire his tall, muscled frame and chiseled handsome face.

“You could’ve been a model.”

He laughed out loud, almost spilling the drink in his hand.

“It’s not that funny,” she exclaimed, though starting to giggle herself.

“Me, striding down a runway wearing trendy fashions? I don’t think so, though hanging out with the girls might have been fun.”

“Smart ass.”

“But I find beautiful law enforcement women much more appealing,” he added, shooting her a wink. “Here you go,” he continued, placing a steaming mug on the nightstand along with a phone. “The password to open it is TEMP. Got it?”

“Got it, and thanks,” she said, but her smile quickly faded, and she stared up at him solemnly. “Scott, will you please be careful tomorrow night?”

“I told you, I’m always careful.”

“I know, but you have to promise to be really, really careful.”

“Hey, remember what I said about worry?” he murmured, sitting on the edge of the bed.

“Yeah, but I know about Conchello. He always has tricks up his sleeve,” she said earnestly. “At least, that’s what people used to say around the mansion. Please promise to be really, really careful, and remember this; if you think you’ve got him cornered, look out. You probably haven’t.”

“I promise, and I’ll take that cautionary note to heart. Now drink your toddy and get some rest. I’ll try not to wake you when I come in.”

“You can wake me any time,” she said, putting her arms around him and hugging him tightly. “In fact, I hope you do.”

The moment Dan and Roxy walked into Roxy’s modest home, their lips locked in a fervent kiss, but when she led him into her bedroom, she carefully removed his new clothes and placed them neatly on a chair.

Her constraint lasted only a moment.

Quickly sliding her hand over his boxers and feeling his stiffened cock, she caught her breath. Its length and breadth matched his physique.

“Yeah, Roxy, I’m a big boy,” he murmured, raising her dress and clutching her full, fleshy backside over her panties. “Can you handle it?”

“I sure as hell want to try,” she muttered urgently as he pushed her backwards onto the bed.

Swiftly removing her clothes, he straightened up, stared down at her, then dramatically pulled off his underwear and exposed his mammoth member. The look on her face sent his lips curling into a wicked grin. He was hung like a horse. Sex was an area in which he’d always felt supremely confident.

“You can start by sucking me.”

Wordlessly kneeling up and grasping his long, hefty shaft, she closed her mouth around him, drew him in, and bobbed her head with gusto, pausing every few seconds to slurp around the tip.

“Fuck,” he grunted as energy surged through his loins, “where did you learn to do that?”

Ignoring his question, she grabbed his balls and lightly squeezed, but not used to such ardent attention, he fisted her hair and made her stop.