Page 97 of Fierce Seas

An unfamiliar feeling moved through his gut.

Silent seconds passed…

“Get that lasagne in the oven,” was all he could think to say.

“Microwave or regular?”

His body relaxed, and a soft smile curled his lips.

“Microwave, ten minutes on low. I’ll be with you in a jiffy.”


“Yeah, that’s what I said, now get dressed and go.”

Turning her around, he slapped her ass, then moved across to the window and stared at the ocean swallowing up the sun.

Just as she had swallowed up his heart.

He loved her.

The admission didn’t lessen the impact.

After placing the lasagna in the microwave oven and setting the table, Elizabeth found a package of dinner rolls in the refrigerator. Slicing them in half and smothering them in butter and parmesan cheese, she placed them in the oven under the broiler.

Hoping to find something for dessert, she opened a door she assumed was a pantry, only to discover a well-stocked wine closet. Searching out a cabernet, she popped the cork and set it on the table to breathe.

But she needed a drink.

Finding Reidel glasses in an overhead cabinet, she placed them on the table, poured the dark red wine, sat down and took a sip.

You’re not going anywhere.

I don’t want to.

The brief exchange echoed through her head.

As the words had left her lips, she’d had an epiphany.

She was deeply, madly, crazy in love…

Cramming himself into the storage compartment at the back of the jeep had left Dan’s muscles aching, but lowering the passenger seat all the way down, he’d managed to find a comfortable position. With cash in his pocket, a backup gun, and a black jacket that would help him blend into the night, he’d finally been able to catch his breath and relax.

By the time the shadows grew long, his body wasn’t quite so sore, and his sense of panic had faded. With a clear plan in mind, he climbed out, pulled on the jacket, and lifting the hood over his long, wavy hair, he started off.

When he’d first arrived in St. Thomas he’d walked endless hours, moving from shop to shop, showing Elizabeth’s picture to every sales clerk in every store. It had been a marathon task, and he’d barely scratched the surface when he’d discovered she’d met up with the captain from the Victoria sailing school on the other side of the island. Driving from Red Hook to the Crown Bay Marina, he’s stopped into the small group of shops, including a hairdressing salon. When he’d introduced himself to the tall, buxom woman behind the counter, her eyes had sparkled up at him, and she’d broken into a wide smile.

Dan was fully aware he was no George Clooney, but for certain women he held a unique appeal. Wishing he could have pursued the unspoken invitation, he’d promised himself he’d be back if he had the time, and the circumstances were right. Both now dictated his return, though not for fun and games.

Approaching the beauty parlor, he spotted the closed sign hanging in the window, but he could see her sweeping the floor. Tapping on the glass, he watched her look towards him, then lay the broom against the wall and hurry across the salon.

“Detective Miller,” she exclaimed, opening the door. “This is a surprise. Come in.”

“Thank you,” he replied, walking past her and quickly removing the jacket. It was too small for his long limbs, and cut into his shoulders.

“How can I help you?” she inquired, flirtatiously touching his arm.

“If you were still open, how much would you charge to cut all this off?” he asked, moving his fingers through his thick, dark hair.