Elizabeth took a breath. “Scott… is that really going to happen?”
“Yes, Elizabeth, it’s really going to happen. That’s why we’re going back to the safehouse. Jack and I will be finalizing the details of the operation with our chief.”
“I can’t quite wrap my head around it,” she murmured, a strange sensation rippling through her. “Can I be involved? Please? I need to be, I really do, and I don’t mean making coffee.”
He smiled. “There will be a place for you.”
“Thank God, though I guess I’m not sounding much like a DEA agent right now.”
“That’s because it’s personal.”
“You’re right,” she admitted, feeling a rush of emotion. “I’ve always managed to keep a professional distance, but the way Manny died changed all that.”
“Don’t dwell on it; dwell on the progress we’ve made.”
“You and Jack, you’ve achieved so much.”
“Elizabeth, if you hadn’t come back, we wouldn’t be where we are. We made leaps and bounds because Dan Miller was exposed, and everything snowballed from there.”
“That man is such a freak. He was called Twister at the mansion. I never saw it, but apparently he can do weird things with his body.”
“Like what?”
“I have no idea,” she replied, scrunching her face. “Just the thought of that man doing anything with his body makes me nauseous.”
“I want to check it out,” Scott said thoughtfully, “but let’s clean up these dishes and get moving. We need to get back to the safehouse.”
As the van wound down the hill, Dan lay on his back, and using all his strength, he kicked the tiny, grid-covered window.
“Hey, stop, stop,” he shouted, quickly straightening up. “This guy in here with me, there’s something wrong with him.”
“Like what?” one of the men called back as the van slowed.
“I think he’s having a heart attack.”
“We’ll take him to the hospital.”
“But his face is all red, and he’s—fuck—help me. Call an ambulance. Do something.”
The vehicle came to a sharp stop, throwing Dan off balance. Quickly recovering, he grinned down at Jim. Though their wrists were free, and the cuffs were in their pockets, Jim was on his back lying on his hands, and Dan had positioned him kneeling over him with his arms behind him.
The doors opened.
Both agents had their guns drawn, pointed inside the van.
Dan and Jim didn’t move.
“He’s real bad,” Dan bleated, his face crinkling. “I think he might already be dead.”
“Move all the way back,” one of the agents ordered.
“Sure, sure,” Dan muttered as he shuffled away.
He watched the two men closely.
The opportunity would present itself.
He just had to be patient.