“Thank you, Rosemary,” Sonny said briskly as she was about to enter. “I’ll call you if we need you.”
“Yes, Mr. Conchello, I’ll be in the kitchen.”
“Hello, boss,” Ewen muttered.
Sonny didn’t respond, but moved closer to study Ewen’s face, then lowered his eyes to his body. A bruise was forming over his left shoulder and across his ribcage.
“What the fuck happened?”
“I was in Dan’s room searching. I’d found some cash, then—”
“How much?”
“Half a dozen rolls hidden in socks, and a kilo of coke in the back of the television set.”
“That’s the only money? There were no wads of bills with bands around them?”
“No, Mr. Conchello, and I looked everywhere. I was—”
“Stop!” Conchello barked, then took a breath and thought back to the night Dan was taken in.
His police informer had told him the cops didn’t search the room.
So where was the cash?
David Clark!
He’d been there.
He could have found the money after Dan had been apprehended. The former DEA agent was sharp, the type who would look for a tracker, and he was missing. Sonny’s blood boiled hotter.
“Go on, Ewen,” he growled, focusing back on him and hoping he might have more answers. “What happened next?”
“One minute I was alone, then some bloke had me on the floor in a fucking headlock threatening to break my bloody neck. I’ve never met a fella so damn strong and fast. He tied my hands behind my back, then put the money and the coke in my bag and hustled me out of there into an SUV. He held a flask of whisky to my mouth, I took a drink, and it knocked me out. When I woke up I was on the floor in a hell hole room.”
“What did he want?”
“Information about you, boss, but he’d just started questioning me when he got a call and left.”
“So how the fuck did you get away?”
“I started yelling that I needed to take a piss, but it was another guy who took me to the loo. I asked him to unzip me and pull me out. The idiot got mad, but it worked and he took off my handcuffs. I jumped him and we had a helluva fight, but he finally went down and I bolted. But, boss, the bloke who took me said he knew I worked for you. He wanted to know which island you’re operating from. I told him I didn’t know what he was talking about. That’s when he got the call and left.”
“How did you get here?”
“The house was up a hill and I just kept running downwards. Thank God I ended up at Red Hook where I’d docked. I managed to get back here to St. John, but when I got in my car I had to wait a while before I could drive. I thought I was going to pass out.”
“What happened to your phone?”
“I don’t know. I guess they must have taken it.”
“It’s encrypted, but I’ll give you a burner. Call it and delete everything anyway. What else?”
“That’s the whole story, boss.”
“You need to stay in this house for a while. Rosemary will take care of you.”
“Thanks, boss.”