Page 58 of Fierce Seas

“Tell me.”

“Uh, well, uh… God, this is hard.”

“Out with it.”

“I, uh, I wanted to find out if you meant it,” she said softly.

“Meant what?”

“You’d threatened to spank me.”

“You were testing me.”

“Yes, Captain, I was testing you.”

She’d breathed the words.

He smiled.

“Will you be doing that again, Elizabeth?”

“Um… I don’t know.”

It was an honest answer.

Testing was in her nature.


With the steel covers over the windows muting much of the noise from the ferocious weather, Elizabeth climbed into bed and reached for a pillow to snuggle. She missed being next to Scott’s warm, hard body, but exhausted from the drama, and relieved he was safe, she closed her eyes and quickly fell into a deep sleep…

Determined to find the cave rumored to hold a long-lost treasure, she trampled through the thick, lush foliage, but it was hot, and holding up her skirt became tiresome. It was already torn in several places, so she paused her step and impatiently ripped at the fabric, tearing it away to leave only shreds hanging around her pantaloons. The air on her bare legs below them was such a welcome relief, she unlaced her bodice and pulled it down to hang around her waist.

“There you are!”

Startled and pivoting on her toes, she found the captain striding toward her.

“Foolish little wench. These tropical forests may look pretty, but they can be deadly. Where are you going?”

“To find the hut. I’m sure it’s here somewhere.”

“I ordered you to stay by the fire.”

“But I—”

“And look at the state of you,” he exclaimed, eyeing her up and down. “If I wasn’t so fond of you I’d leave you to your own devices. As I punish you, remember that.” Grabbing her by the elbow and jerking her forward, he circled her waist with his arm and ran his large, rough hand over the thin underwear. “It’s been too long since your last walloping. That’s the problem, you forgot your place. I won’t let that happen again.”

“But, Captain—”

A solid smack from his hard hand cut her off.

“Please, Captain, I’m sorry.”

“Of course you are, but sorry you were caught, not sorry you disobeyed me,” he scolded, raining his flattened palm in an endless volley of hot, stinging smacks.

Though she squirmed and begged, he remained unmoved, continuing to reprimand her as he delivered his discipline. Finally removing the blousy underwear, he pushed her to her knees, placed his rampant manhood at her entrance, and plunged forward.

There was no escape and no stopping him, nor could she control her body’s response to his erotic attack. As he gripped her waist in a fierce grasp and rammed his rod with robust strokes, she let out howl after howl. In spite of her protestations, his fervent pumping was hurtling her into a powerful orgasm. As if sensing her looming climax, his groans and grunts grew louder and his pace quickened.