“Anything’s easy if you know how to do it, like you sailing through a storm.”
“You so need to be—”
“Don’t say it!” she said, breaking into a laugh as she wrapped her soaked body around him.
“You’re right, why waste words,” he retorted, grinning as he bustled her into the salon and dropped down on the bench seat.
“Scott, will you please just wait a second? I have something to tell you. It’s important.”
“You can talk while I spank your ass.”
“No, you have to listen,” she said urgently, sitting next to him. “I’ve been wanting to do that dive for you ever since I was on that plateau with Danny, I just never got around to it, but a couple of days ago I got some news, and I realized if I didn’t do it soon…”
“Hey baby, what’s wrong.”
Catching her breath, she stared at him, her eyes wide.
“You’ve never called me that before.”
“Uh…it just felt right.”
“That’s so weird.”
“Our roll of the dice…”
He paused.
The phrase registered.
His heart leapt.
“Are you saying…?”
“Yeah, we’re going to have a baby.”
For a single, fleeting, terrifying moment, Elizabeth thought he was horrified, but abruptly jumping to his feet, he lifted her up and spun her around.
“We have to celebrate, but no champagne for you,” he exclaimed, setting her her on her feet. “Shit. I’ll be right back,” he suddenly muttered, turning and heading for the cabin. “Stay there, I’ve got something for you.”
Curious and excited, she sat down to wait, but he reappeared empty-handed.
“When you said you had a surprise and wanted to stay in the safe house overnight, I made a decision,” he said, back down. “Elizabeth, you know I love you, but I also love living with you. I love sleeping with you, I love waking up next to you, I even love watching a corny movie on television if you’re with me, so, uh, I bought you this,” he finished, reaching into his pocket and retrieving a small, black ring box.
“Elizabeth, I want to spend the rest of my life loving you.”
With her heart bursting, and her eyes overflowing with joyous tears, it was all she could manage to squeak out.
A few minutes later, over the moon as they clinked glasses of sparkling water in lieu of champagne, Scott noticed Elizabeth staring at him with an odd look in her eye.
“Hey, superstar, is there something on your mind?”
“Is that going to be my nickname from now on?”
“Apparently, it just popped out, and it fits. Tell me what’s running around that brilliant brain of yours.”