“I assume Conchello gave you that Rolex Submariner.”
Recounting the agonizing scene, Dan felt sick to his stomach, but Scott’s unexpected question was distracting.
“Yeah, and I’m planning to sell it,” Dan replied, grateful for the change in subject. “I’d rather give it to charity but I need funding to start over.” Then taking a breath, he added. “Every notch up the ladder in Conchello’s organization comes with a reward, but…”
“But there’s a price to pay?”
Danny nodded his head.
“This watch came with a beating. If I didn’t ask the pummeling to stop, I’d get the promotion and the watch. There are other scenes I’ve heard about but never witnessed, like being locked in a room with a lion. Don’t ask to be let out, you might get a Porsche. Stand against a wall for a sword thrower, you could end up with a bag of cash. Sonny loves to play games and watch people sweat.”
“So it appears,” Scott mumbled, shaking this head. “What else do I need to know about what I might face tonight?”
Danny paused. “I realize you don’t have a lot of time, but I must fill you in about the monastery. It’s important, very important.”
“A monastery?” Scott repeated. “Okay, go ahead.”
“It supposed to house a religious order, but it’s a high-end brothel. He uses it as another way to control his men. He threatens to send their wives or sisters there. Getting information about it was difficult, but I do know it’s frequented by politicians, judges, multinational CEOs, the men with more money and power than any human being should have. It’s Rosemary’s domain. She disappears for a few days every month, and I was told that’s where she goes. Apparently it’s in Santa Barbara. Scott, you have to take her alive. We have to find out where it is and liberate those women.”
As he’d relayed the information, Danny saw the fury reflected in Scott’s eyes.
“Consider it done,” Scott promised solemnly. “Tell me more about this shaft and trap door. Is there any way to disable it?”
But as he’d asked the question, a phone rang.
“If you need to take that, it’s fine with me,” Danny offered. “I could use a quick break.”
“Yeah, I do,” Scott replied, lifting his phone from his pocket and glancing at the screen. “I’ll only be a minute.”
As Scott stepped from the room, Danny rose to his feet, stretched his limbs, and ambled across to the kitchen window to stare out at the bay.
Scott intrigued him.
The security room in his house on the small island appeared to be some kind of command center, and Scott’s bearing and physique suggested a military background. Combined with his commanding presence, Danny didn’t doubt he was a leader, but was he FBI? DEA? CIA?
Glimpsing a yacht gliding through the water, Danny’s mind switched gears. Though his future was uncertain, and his stomach still churned from the dark memories, he was beginning to feel a sense of freedom. The thundercloud under which he’d lived for what seemed like a lifetime was breaking up, and shafts of sunlight were appearing through the gloom.
Hearing Scott return, he readied himself to give more information, but as he turned around he found Scott standing at the kitchen table wearing an odd expression.
“You’re not going to believe this,” Scott said dramatically. “That was one of my captains at the sailing school. A lawyer just called. He has a client who wants to meet me tonight to talk about chartering three of my boats. The lawyer’s name is Richard Hammond. I know Hammond works for Conchello. Danny, I’ve just been invited to Conchello’s party—as a VIP guest.”
Scott would have to attend Conchello’s party unarmed, but Brad could equip him with glasses fitted with an earpiece, a transmitter, and a micro camera. After calling Frank to give him the update and introduce him to Danny, the chief decided he wanted Danny in the surveillance vehicle monitoring Scott to point out anything of note.
“Elizabeth said she’d be in that van,” Danny remarked. “It will be good to have another pair of eyes familiar with Conchello’s wild boys, especially with all those people in the house.”
“Yeah,” Scott muttered thoughtfully, realizing his anger had passed and Danny was right. Two pairs of eyes were better than one.
“But let’s talk about disabling that trap door,” Danny continued. “From the plans you showed me, the concrete room the victims fall into is next to the wine cellar, just as it was in the mansion back in Los Angeles. I’ll stay in the surveillance van if you want me to, but I can pick those locks, no problem. Climbing up that shaft to sabotage the trap door, though, I don’t know how that will be possible.”
“Then we just have to get into that room before Conchello can use it,” Scott said grimly.
“He sends the VIP guests on their way at midnight then bolts the door, and two guards stay in place at the top of the staircase,” Danny said. “I don’t know how you’ll get in or out once he’s done that.”
“Well, gentlemen, keep me posted,” Frank declared. “Danny, I’m very glad to have you on board. The information you’ve provided is invaluable, especially the password for Conchello’s security system. I’m still amazed it’s Rosemary’s Baby. I’m old enough to remember that horror film, but I’m surprised Conchello even knows about it.”
“It’s frighteningly fitting considering the evil in that film,” Scott remarked. “Irony is not lost on that man. I’ll check back soon.”