Page 61 of Primal Claim

“Tell me what you’re thinking, Chastity.” Adam’s voice was clear over the soft tune of the piano, and Chastity forced her eyes open to watch him as he glanced over his shoulder at her. His expression was neutral, but the command in his voice was clear, as always.

Chastity forced herself to sit up, scooting across the couch to be a little closer to him. She found herself mesmerized by the movement of his long fingers across the keys of the piano for a moment, her pussy clenching, but she forced herself to look up and away, setting aside the still-urgent needs of her pussy for the time being.

It was another moment before she could speak, looking at Adam’s profile as he looked down at his hands. When he was treating her body so cruelly, giving her exactly what she hated that she needed, it was easy for her to forget how handsome he was. His dark hair fell over his forehead roguishly and the smile that played at the corner of his mouth made Chastity’s stomach flutter, and she swallowed hard before trying to gather her thoughts.

“I… didn’t know you could play piano. Sir.”

He chuckled. “I have many talents, my girl.” He shot her a glance out of the corner of his eye, a look filled with dark promise. Chastity squirmed under his gaze, the urge to reach between her legs and play with her pussy even more overpowering.

“I…” The words that Chastity really wanted to say stuck in her throat, and she swallowed hard. Ever since her little meltdown after he had fucked her ass the first time, Chastity had been struggling to reckon with the feelings that were burgeoning in her chest. The words that had spilled from her lips when he had held her in the bath had rung more true than anything she had said before in her life, and it was a discomforting nakedness that she hadn’t known what to do with.

Of course, her raging heat and pussy had urged her and Adam’s attention, and she hadn’t had much time to reckon with the complicated emotions.

Now, though…

“Yes?” Adam raised an eyebrow and Chastity forced herself to meet his gaze, a bead of sweat sliding down the back of her neck. Fading it might be, but her heat was nowhere near over.

“I like it. That’s all.” The words sounded lame even in Chastity’s head, and the way Adam furrowed his brow told her that he knew that she was keeping something from him. She was sure that she would suffer for it later, but she couldn’t bring herself to speak the words that wanted to burst from her lips. The words that would take her past the point of no return in their relationship.

“I’m glad. Lie down. Tease your pussy with your fingers, but don’t you dare come.” His voice was rough and commanding, and the tune from the piano changed, grew darker. Seductive. “I’ll take care of you in a moment. Entertain me.”

Chastity whined softly and her eyes fluttered closed as she reached between her legs, sighing when her fingers made contact with the swollen bud of her clit. Her chest full of an emotion she didn’t yet have the courage to name, she obeyed her Alpha and began to tease her pussy.


“On your knees, Chastity.”

Adam’s voice surprised Chastity as she opened the front door to her condo, her hands shaking a tiny bit after the day she had had. Though her heat had finally abated fully, it had been more difficult than she wanted to get back into the swing of her work day. Especially with every member of her team sending lascivious looks any time they saw her in the hallway or made an excuse to come talk to her in her office.

None of them had done anything untoward, of course, but the looks in each of the men’s eyes as they had spoken to her made Chastity positive that the only reason they kept their hands off was because of the work environment. Adam hadn’t allowed her the protection of the collar when he had finally decided she could go back to work—a humiliation that Chastity was horrified that she was practically begging for—and Chastity had never felt more vulnerable in her office than she had that day.

Hence, she was mildly frazzled after taking the subway home and walking the few short blocks in her sky-high heels.

“Sir, I…” Chastity’s bag was tugged from her limp fingers as she struggled to find her bearings. She hadn’t expected Adam to be at her apartment yet, and he hadn’t indicated that he would be waiting for her when she called to inform him that she was leaving work for the day.

He smiled at her, one of his hands reaching to squeeze his hard cock through his pants. “I know you heard me, Chastity. Do we want to start today with a stiff caning or are you going to do as you’re told?”

Budding feelings she might be having aside—and that she was sure he reciprocated—Adam hadn’t gotten any less strict, any less cruel. Chastity wasn’t sure why she had thought that might be the case, but a tiny, hopeful part of her had thought that maybe he might be a little more… tender.

“I… I did, sir. I’m sorry.” Chastity swallowed hard and sank to her knees, her hands clenching into fists as he approached her, pulling his cock out of his pants.

“Open, sweet girl.” The head of his cock was presented to her waiting lips and Chastity’s eyes fluttered shut at the familiar, arousing taste of his cock. Even now that she wasn’t in heat, it was like he had rewired her brain to crave his cock. The salty taste of pre-cum made her nipples harden under the translucent top he had chosen for her to wear that day, and one of her hands snuck up to tweak one of her nipples as she sucked Adam’s cock.

The breathy chuckle he let out told Chastity that he had noticed, and she moaned around his cock, a tiny flutter in her belly as she sank down a little further. Her jaw stretched and the head of his cock bumped against the back of her throat as one of his hands came up to thread through her hair and take up a firm grip at the base of her skull. It was humiliatingly familiar and oddly comforting to have her head controlled in that way, to be turned into just a mouth for him to fuck when he felt like it.

“Now, my girl.” His voice was a little sharp, and he shook her head gently to get her attention. Chastity forced her eyes open and looked up at his face from under her eyelashes, carefully breathing in through her nose lest she choke.

Adam smiled at her. “I wanted your mouth full when I tell you this so you couldn’t use that sharp brain of yours to try and argue with me. It’s cute that you always try to before you give in, but this is important so I needed you silent and obedient for me.”

What could he be talking about?

Chastity tried to pull off his cock to ask exactly that, but Adam’s grip at the base of her skull tightened and he shook his head with a smile.

“Poor thing. Still trying so hard to keep your independence, no matter how much your body craves otherwise.” He chuckled, then looked at her with a wider smile than before. “We’re going to City Hall to register you as mine. Officially. We’re signing the contract today.”

Chastity choked as Adam’s cock bumped against the back of her throat, surprise rising in her chest. For a moment, the lack of air sent her brain into panic mode, and one of her hands came up to push against Adam’s thigh until he relented and pulled his cock out of her mouth.

She coughed, taking in several deep breaths and wiping her watering eyes with the back of one hand. “A… a heat contract? You’re going to…” Chastity couldn’t finish the sentence, complicated emotions swirling in her chest as she looked up at Adam with still-watering eyes.