Page 41 of Primal Claim

It was absurd, really, as claiming an Omega was the single more important thing any Alpha would do in his entire life.

“First thing. I did this with my Omega. Get rid of any of her old clothes that you don’t like. In my case, I nixed all of her outfits that didn’t display her body in the most blatant and sexual way. Some guys, and yeah, this tends to be the jealous types, want their Omegas to dress more like a fucking schoolmarm librarian. Nothing showing, or even suggested. I swear, those assholes would probably make their Omegas go around wearing a fucking burlap sack if it were possible. But not for my Omega. And I’m guessing you might be the same way. So, think about how you want her to dress—thenmakeher. It’s fucking awesome. I had no idea it would be so enjoyable, but it was. And is.”

“Sounds… like something up my alley.” Adam’s cock was already stirring at the idea, at what he might choose for her. It was a good idea. A damned good idea, actually.

“The other consideration, and it’s one you really can’t avoid. Her examination. So, get her ready for it. Hell, you can do one yourself beforehand, if that floats your fucking boat. Either way, getting your Omega used to the prospect of being inspected, handled, touched as she will be during the medical examination is a very helpful way to cut down on the chances she gets skittish, or worse, defiant, when the time comes for her to submit to the examination.”

“I’ve been intending to give her an exam. Now is as good a time as any, really.”

“And it will besuchan imposition on you, right?” Jim chuckled. “The sacrifices we make for our Omegas.”

“It’s a tough job, but somebody’s gotta do it,” Adam drawled.

Both men laughed at that.

“All right, man, I gotta bounce.” Jim’s voice lowered slightly, softening. “Think about what Maddox said. He wouldn’t have mentioned it if it wasn’t something he thought she could benefit from. Which really means it’s somethingyouget to benefit from. You get my drift?”

“Loud and clear,” Adam said, draining the last of his beer. “I gotta go too. I’ll let you know how things progress here.”

“I’m counting on it, my man. Later.”

Adam sat for several minutes in the living room considering whether or not to rouse Chastity and make her take his cock again. He was hard at the thoughts whirling in his mind sparked by Jim’s suggestions. She was probably quite sore though after the thoroughness with which he’d used her earlier.

He decided to give her a rest, for the time being.

Plenty of time yet to use that soft, wet cunt of hers once she’d gotten some sleep.

Until then, he had plans to formulate.

Poor Chastity.


When Adam discovered she’d decided to take a shower after waking up rather than report to him out in the living room, he struggled for a moment with irritation at such a petty defiance. She must have known by that point that he would have expected that very thing—and yet she’d displayed, yet again, a tendency to do things that tiptoed right up to the line of outright defiance.

He couldn’t have that at all.

So, while the water was still running, Chastity’s muted humming making him smile despite himself, he leaned a shoulder against the hallway wall, just outside the bathroom.

While he’d expected her to take forever even after the water was shut off, he was pleasantly surprised at the swiftness with which the bathroom door opened, a waft of warm steam, scented lightly—but noticeably—with her cunt flooding into the hallway as she emerged turning for her room, not seeing him at all.

A white terrycloth towel was wrapped about her primly, high enough that not even a hint of cleavage was visible, despite the generous size of her breasts, the towel long enough that it covered her to mid-thigh.

She didn’t make it two steps before he was on her, wrapping an arm around her and clapping a hand over her mouth. She shrieked into his palm, while he brought her firmly against his body, the erection tenting his jeans jutting against the soft swell of her bottom.

“You know better than to take that shower before coming to see me.”

She said something against his hand, but he really didn’t care what she had to say for herself. It would fall on deaf ears, as far as he was concerned. Still, having her shower-warmed body against him like that made him consider again what Jim had mentioned about inspecting her. It had been something Adam had wanted to do, but the right time just hadn’t come about.

No time like the present.

He fully intended to have her looked over—and thoroughly—by an MD, but before that day came, he was going to get his fill first.

He took his hand away from her face. “Get back in the bathroom.”


Growling his disapproval, he took hold of her hair, cranking her head back and frog-marching her back into the still steam-warm bathroom.