Page 38 of Primal Claim

“How many would you like to see?” he asked, stroking her naked hip.

“A handful should be fine. Let’s go with five.” Maddox waved a finger at the proffered bottom. “Make them stingers, if you can.”

She drew a sharp breath as Adam tapped the length of wood along the lower curve of her ass. “Get ready.”

“Adam… please…”

“Just a few, Chastity. You’ll be fine.”

She took a deep breath, but said nothing more.

He snapped the first one in, a little lower than intended, the tip digging right into the crease below her right buttock. She jerked, breathing faster, but stayed still. A thick welt immediately began to rise, pinkening by the second.

Laying two more further up, across the widest span of her cheeks, he made sure those were closely spaced, the tramlines left by those livid within moments. Chastity yelped at the last one.

“Be still.” Adam tapped the wood along the upper curves of her bottom. Then he laced her with another, and this one had her crying out, her cheeks clenching hard, loosening, then tightening again.

“That was an excellent stroke,” Maddox drawled. “Look at that mark swelling already…”

Adam touched her buttocks with the cane along the fattest lower curve of her bottom, stroking her flesh there. He drew the moment out, loving the way her body seemed to tense even more. Then, on impulse, he moved the cane lower, until it spanned the gap between her upper thighs.

“Adam, no…”

“Oh, yes, Chastity.” Then he snapped in the last stroke, the hardest yet, a thin white line stretching across the backs of her thighs. Chastity’s shriek was clear and piercing, and she jumped up, ramrod straight, head thrown back. She clutched her thighs, rubbing furiously.

“God… fuck…fuck…!”

“Hands back on your head,” Adam said, indenting the smooth flesh of her buttock with the tip of the cane. “Or you’ll be getting more than five.”

Haltingly, Chastity complied, clearly trembling fingers lacing together atop the thick locks of her beautiful hair.

The twin tramlines across both thighs were already crimson, and quite swollen, the coloring beginning to tip over into a darker purple.

“Those will bruise,” Maddox said, nodding, his tone one of frank approval. “Should be spectacular in a few days.”

The faint sound of Chastity’s sniffling could just be heard.

Adam dropped the cane on the table, then moved to Chastity. He took her in his arms, and for a moment, he embraced her.

Surprisingly, she clutched at his shirt, pressing her trembling body to him fiercely.

“It’s all right.” He stroked her hair, giving Maddox a wink. “Caning’s done. You did very well. Is your bottom burning?”

She nodded, her face buried against his chest, her sniffling a tiny bit louder.

“I know it is. You’ll be fine though. Just a little pain.”

He wasn’t sure if her answering whimper was resignation or embarrassment, but either way, he thrilled at the sound. And he wasn’t quite sure why. His cock was aching, insistent now, caning her in front of company turning him on in a way he was completely surprised by.

“On your knees, girl,” he murmured at her ear.

Her breath caught, and her eyes, liquid bright, snapped up to his, her mouth hanging open. “You…now?”

Adam nodded slowly, touching her flushed cheek. “Of course, now. You’ve been punished, and you know what happens after punishments.”

“But…” Her gaze flicked back at Maddox for the briefest of moments.

Adam looked to their visitor. “I need to use her mouth. It’s… kind of a rule.”