Page 35 of Primal Claim

Adam grunted. “No. I’m…quiteinterested in that aspect of her.” He frowned at seeing the white lace of her bra as she dropped the blouse to the floor. He’d be talking to her later about properly disrobing in front of onlookers, too. But now wasn’t the time.

Getting her naked, and getting on with this, was what mattered.

“I’m surprised at the bra,” Maddox said. “Usually, it’s best to take underwear away as soon as possible. It’s a mercy to them, anyway, if their heat comes on when they can’t immediately shed their clothes.”

Adam scowled, but didn’t let his irritation show more than that. “Believe me, we have. And she and I will be discussing it again—at length—tonight.”

Maddox smiled coolly. He directed his words toward Chastity, raising his voice slightly to ensure she realized they were for her. “Silly bitch. Her ass is probably clenching in fear right now knowing what’s in store for it later on. Maybe, eventually, she’ll decide doing as she’s told is a better plan than being foolish and stubborn. Anddisobedient.”

She made a tiny sound of fright in her throat at that, and Adam found he quite liked it. “Hurry up, Chastity. All of it.Off.”

Her pace quickening, she shimmied the skirt down her hips, the sinuous movement of her body never failing to captivate his attention, no matter how many times he’d seen it. Maddox seemed rather appreciative as well, the bulge at the front of his slacks already growing.

Part of him wanted to rip Maddox’s fucking head from his neck at that realization. But the biggerpart of him liked the effect it had on his Omega much more, this blatant, forced display of her naked body to a more or less complete stranger. Adam found he liked that part very much, indeed.

The scent of her pussy was stronger once the skirt pooled at her feet. He wondered if her white lace panties were already sodden.

Her breasts bounced slightly in the confines of her brassiere as she kicked the black fabric away. Her eyes met Adam’s for a moment, her teeth worrying her lip, as if she might find last second mercy in his gaze.

He gave her nothing of the sort, staring her down coldly. “The rest. Time to show Maddox why I claimed you.” He smiled, realizing this was the first time Chastity had learned his visitor’s name. On the phone before they’d driven over, he’d only told her he would have someone coming along. Though she’d asked who it was, he’d acted as if he hadn’t even heard her question, hanging up on her.

“Let’s have the bra off.” Maddox took a step closer, a finger pointed at Chastity. “I want to have a good look at the tits first. They look promising. Then we can examine the rest.”

Chastity didn’t need him to tell her. His subtle nod had her reaching back to the clasp. She hesitated the briefest of moments, looking from Adam to Maddox and back again. Then she sighed, slipping the straps from her shoulders and letting it fall to the floor. She brushed it away with the toe of one of her high heels, an arm across her breasts, her other hand shielding her pussy from their gaze.

Okay, that’s enough.

Adam stepped close, slapping her hands away. “Get them on your head, and get them up thererightnow.”

She obeyed with alacrity, eyes blinking rapidly. “I didn’t m—”

He took hold of her chin, squeezing firmly, making her gasp. He stared directly into her eyes as he spoke. “Wearegoing to look at your tits, and your cunt—and every other part of your body—just as long as we want. You are not to impede us atall. Do I make myself clear?”

“Okay… I mean, yes, sir.” She swallowed. “It’s just—”

Adam leaned in, whispering at her ear, tightening his grip upon her chin the slightest bit more. “I’m here, and nothing is going to happen to you that you can’t handle—or that I don’t want. Iknowyou’re embarrassed. And I like that. A little embarrassment never hurt a girl. Now, doas you’re told.”

He let her go, but stayed close, lest she continue her recalcitrance.

She shivered as she stood there, eyes on the floor, hands on her head, elbows wide.

Maddox said nothing for almost a minute, pacing slowly back and forth in front of her, his gaze fixed upon her bare breasts. The nipples were stiff, but not quite as erect as he’d seen them previously, perhaps reflecting her mortification.

He had no doubt they’d be a lot harder quite soon.

“Have they grown at all, since you first met her?” Maddox murmured the question, stroking his chin, stopping to stand directly before her, a mere arm’s length away.

“I’m not sure. I’d say a little, if I were forced to guess.”

“That’ll change—a lot. Especially if you breed her.”

“Breed?” Adam hadn’t actually considered that as anything beyond a way to amplify his sexual arousal as he fantasized… but now the man had him thinking.

“Yes.” Maddox peered over at him. “Need to assess her—which means touching her…”

Adam nodded. “Of course.”

Chastity shuddered, a soft, anxious sound slipping from her lips. But she stayed in place.