Page 38 of Need

It was 7:54 AM.

I should have called first.

There were many things I should have done and didn’t. It was too late for all that now.

The door finally cracked open, Eva’s squinting, but still pretty eyes peering out at me. She looked like she’d just woken. “H-hey…what are you…?”

I pushed the door all the way open, grabbing her wrist, drawing her behind me as I moved into her room. I slammed the door closed behind me, flipping the dead bolt and engaging the safety slide.

It was deeply shadowed in the room, the hum of the air conditioner lending a muted quality to the sound inside the suite. She was wearing only a somewhat wrinkled, white t-shirt and a tiny pair of blood-red satin panties.

Very cute.

Her hair, caught in a crazed mess of a ponytail, evoked either a just-fucked look, or a just-rousted-from-a-dead-sleep look.

Either way, I liked it.

“Nick…” She rubbed her face as she said it but made no move to try to pull her other wrist from my grasp.

Using my hold upon her, I forced her to sit at the end of her bed, her covers twisted and mounded upon the mattress.

She watched me, silent, wincing a bit as I snapped on one, then another of the lamps, bathing her in warm incandescence.

“That’s better.” I crossed my arms, standing before her, the backs of my thighs against the broad shelf where the flatscreen TV stood. “I want to ask you something.”

Eva looked back over her shoulder at the digital clock on the bedside table, the blocky digits glowing an infernal crimson. “Nick, we’re not supposed to meet until like, ten…”

“I don’t care. I want to talk to you right now.” I took a breath. “I know what the rules are. What we’resupposedto be doing. But I don’t give a shit anymore. What I do give a shit about is what you said to me before you drove off yesterday. And what I said toyou.”

“W-what? I…don’t understand…” She rubbed her temple with one hand.

“Don’t you think it interesting that neither one of us so much asdateda single person during all that time?”

She shrugged, but I could tell it was forced. The sudden focusing of her gaze told the real tale.

“Eva, I know it means something. Maybe everything. There is… something here. Something unfinished. Maybe it’s a…a sign, or a hint at what’s really happening here.”

She tilted her head to the side, her voice a sardonic murmur. “I didn’t know you believed in any of that stuff.”

“Maybe I do, maybe I don’t.” I pointed at her. “But you’re not going to sit there and tell me it doesn’t meananything.”

She leaned forward, elbows on her pretty knees, scrubbing both of her hands up and down her face for a moment. Then she looked at me once more, her arms hugged just under the swell of her breasts. “It might mean something? Or maybe it just means we had unfinished business? Loose ends to tie up?”

“Is that what I am? Is that what we’ve been doing for the past week? Taking care of loose fuckingends?” My voice wanted to get louder, harsher, but I stopped it. I needed her to see. I needed her to stay open to the possibilities. Indulging in my petty irritation would just be counterproductive.

“I…you know what I mean, Nick.” Her words held a note of either petulance or frustration. “It might be something. It might be nothing at all.”

“What doyouthink it means?” I took a tiny step closer. “Be honest, Eva.”

Her nostrils flared as she took a breath, then another, her gaze locked upon mine. “It’s…something. But I don’t think it’s enough of whatever that something is.”

My heart twisted at that. It was time to go for broke here. I had nothing to lose at this point.

“Stand up.”

“W-why?” Her lashes fluttered a tiny bit.

I took another step closer, almost within arm’s length of her now. “Stand.Up.”