Page 18 of Need

I smiled at the way her prominent nipples pulled into even tighter erection. I reached out, fingering one, then the other. She swallowed down a yelp as I pinched each of them tightly, in turn.

“I want my answer. Now, Eva.”

“A-answer?” Her momentary confusion, no doubt induced by my fingers fondling and stroking her hard nipples, was absolutely adorable.

“The answer to my question. Why was your cunt dripping during your spanking? Were you turned on by the pain?”

She shook her head, looking down, then away.

“What then? What made you so wet?”

“I-I don’t want to s-say…”

I pinched her left nipple, hard, way down at its base, and she winced, her teeth gritted. “Youhaveto. Tell me the truth.”

“I…I don’t know! You… you were just…different.”

I twisted that same nipple, and she swallowed down a yelp. “Not good enough. What do youmean?”

“Nick…fuck…” Her brow was deeply furrowed, her eyes pleading.

I let her nipple go, caressing it instead, grasping and squeezing both of her big breasts then, kneading them in my palms methodically.

She sighed, relaxing ever so slightly. “I…I mean that you’ve never been so… in command. Stern. I…I didn’t know how to handle it.”

“That’s a lie though, isn’t it?” I had to play it cool, but inside I was exulting. It was working! My guesses about Eva… they’d beenright.“There’s more to that, isn’t there?”

She swallowed miserably, her gaze sliding away, looking out over the canyon rim once more. “I don’t know…I’m not sure of anything anymore.”

I gave both of her breasts a firm squeeze, and a tiny moan escaped her lips, her eyes closing tight for a heartbeat.

“It made your pussy wet when I took control of you, didn’t it? That I didn’t let you get away with anything. Tell me I’m wrong.”

She shook her head. “No…no…”

“Tell me, Eva.” I lifted her breasts upon my palms, entranced as always at the soft, heavy weight of her flesh. I pressed a soft kiss to each inner slope then, looking up at her as I did, studying her face. “You have to tell me. Ineedto know.”

Her blush fired a deep crimson now, as her eyes met mine. “You’re… you’re not wrong.”

“You liked that I spanked you, that Iforcedyou to do as you were told?”

“Yes.” She dropped her gaze then. “Yes…”

I sat there for a long moment, silent, stunned. Itwastrue. This was a breakthrough, a revelation.

But I had no idea what do with it. Part of me had assumed this was a doomed endeavor, that the answers I sought were nothing more than a mirage. Wishful thinking.

I was wrong.

Daring to allow it, to indulge it, was something I knew was a fool’s errand. But entertain it I did, no matter how much I feared I’d regret it. I couldn’t help but feel it, for the first time in a very long while.


I had to maintain control though. I risked ruining everything if I succumbed to something so stupid at that moment. It simply wasn’t time for that. Not now. I had other things that I needed to explore first.

I let go of her breasts, resting my hands upon her bare thighs. “Do you wish I was like that? Before?”

“Nick…” She turned pained eyes up to me. “Don’t do this…don’t…”