Page 15 of Need

“Guess we better get this over with,” I muttered to myself, undoing my seat belt and opening my door. I stood up straight, closing the door next to me, my right hand still up on the top of my car, as if I needed that solid support to buoy my confidence as much as my balance.

Even though Nick was easily a hundred feet away, I could see the brilliance of his gorgeous grin, and his distance did nothing to lessen the fluttering of butterflies in my belly at the sight.

For that grin said one thing above all else, a portent of what was in store for me over the next hour or so.

That grin said confidence, and something else too, something I’d never really associated with Nick before.


Straightening my shoulders, willing myself to project an attitude of nonchalance that I didn’t at all feel, I walked over to his truck. He waited there for me his left arm resting along the edge of the bed. He was wearing a light jacket of gray and black, along with jeans and stylish outdoor boots. The black hair at his forehead waved on the breeze, a lock of it curling slightly. It was a striking look, and one which fit him very well in that moment.

I wanted to reestablish boundaries though. “Look, Nick, we need to talk about what happened yesterday.”

“Oh? What would you like to talk about?”

The twinkle in his eye showed me that he wasn’t taking what I was saying seriously at all. It pissed me off, but I had to keep my cool in that moment. “You…you shouldn’t have done that. You know it, and I know it. So, today let’s just try to be adults. Okay?”

“I’d say what we did yesterday wasquiteadult indeed. Wouldn’t you?” He crossed his arms over his chest, the smug curve of his lips making me want to slap him. “Although now that I think of it, you did look like a remorseful little girl when I was done with you, didn’t you?”

I scowled head at him. “Jesus…”

“I’d like to know something.” Nick glanced at his watch. “It’s not quite the start of the hour, but maybe you’ll humor me.”

I looked away, shaking my head. “All right, all right. Let’s hear it.”

“Why was your pussy so wet yesterday?”

The morning was quite cool, but my face burned so hot at that moment the breeze was almost painful against the heat of my skin. “Itwasn’twet, Nick.”

His head canted just the tiniest bit, his lips curving mischievously. “Eva, you weredripping. The whole hotel room smelled like your cunt. You’re not really gonna tell me that you didn’t even notice it, are you?”

The flash of anger within me was so strong I literally saw red. I swung my hand out and slapped him across the face. “Fuckyou, Nick!”

Though he did not flinch, his eyes fluttered for a moment. Calmly, he reached up, stroking the mark blooming upon his cheek. “I suppose I might have deserved that. But you still didn’t answer my question. Why was your cunt dripping like a faucet just from being spanked?”

I tried to slap him again, but this time his hand came up and clamped harshly around my wrist, holding me fast. His eyes narrowed as he said the words, his voice not much more than a growl. “You’re going to pay for that, Eva. And I still want an answer to my question.” He glanced at his watch once more. “Well, it’s top of the hour. Which means it’s showtime. But I think we’ll wait on that answer to my question. For now.”

I yanked at his grip, grunting, and he finally let me go. “Wait for what?”

“Until we have some better scenery, of course.” He extended his arm toward the trailhead entrance. “I think it’s time for a little hike. After you, Eva.”

Looking down pointedly, I gave him a frown. “I’m not exactly dressed for a hike.”

I didn’t want to think about how long it had taken me to decide what it was I was going to wear, and I had no real idea of what Nick had in mind. So, I’d picked a pair of shorts, a scoop neck T-shirt, boots. I’d worn a sports bra for comfort, and to help tame the hardness of my nipples, something I knew was likely to be a problem in the cool morning air.

It was an outfit that was light and comfortable, but at the same time I knew it was something I looked good in. Thatshouldn’thave mattered. If I were smart, I would have dressed myself in a burlap sack. Doing anything to tempt Nick into another one of his lurid games wasn’t going to go well for me. And yet, though I didn’t quite understand it, the idea of tempting him, of waving that metaphorical flag in front of the bull…itdidappeal to me.

Since when did you become a glutton for punishment, Eva?

Nick took his time looking me up and down, a subtle sound deep in his chest that I could have sworn was almost one of possessive pleasure. Then he met my eyes. “I’d say you’re dressed perfectly, considering what I have in mind.”

I crossed my arms, dipping my chin slightly. “And whatdidyou have in mind?”

“You don’t have to worry about that. The only thingyouneed to be concerned about is doing as you’re told.” Nick tilted his head toward the trail entrance. “Now, get going.”

Chapter 8
