Page 12 of Need

“Don’t do this, Nick!”

I landed two quick slaps across each of her thighs, and she shrieked. “You’re going to bring the damn house down with your carrying on. We’re in ahotel. You’re going to have to be quieter than that.”

“Then let me up!” Her voice was tight, trembling almost as much as her body laid over my lap.

“If you want it to stop, say the fucking words, Eva.” I didn’t wait for her to utter them though, smacking her over and over at the crease between buttock and thigh. She writhed and bucked, cursing at the blows, but shedidn’tgive in. Part of me admired her strength, for I was certain she was in serious pain at that point, but another, darker part of me took it as a challenge.

Either I was going to spank her into surrendering—and thus giving up—or I was going to punish her bottom for her until the tears streamed down her face.

Where the hell is this coming from, Nick?

I should have been horrified at the enjoyment I took in disciplining her, but the hardness of my cock against her churning hip was all I cared about at that moment. Maybe I’d go to hell, but I was increasingly suspicious that there was something else going on here, something much deeper, a need that had been discovered within her—and perhaps me too—that neither of us truly understood.


But now wasn’t the time to ponder that. Now was the time to show her who she was dealing with, and that I would not be deterred from teaching her something, revealing a truth within her that I knew was vital that she finally see.

I pinned her down more firmly upon my lap, laying methodical, hard slaps down one side, starting at the very top of her buttocks and ending just above her knee. Then I spanked the other side, starting low upon her thigh, marching up inexorably, relentlessly until those broad, soft buttocks wobbled and jiggled under the harsh blows of my palm. My hand was already beginning to hurt, but judging by the crimson blush upon her flesh and the now almost continual moans and groans, Eva was beginning to break down under the overwhelming pain.

Iwasgetting to her. Finally.

Pausing for a moment, I rubbed soft, continuous circles across her skin, testing the flesh to ensure I hadn’t punished it too much yet. I wanted her to feel this, to understand down deep that she was helpless against this. I knew that this was the way to get through to her in the most fundamental way one could with a woman. Especially a woman still so close to me.

I pressed my palm down upon her tailbone, my fingers splayed to ensure her hips were immobilized, then smacked her the hardest yet upon the full weight of her lower buttocks, alternating each side relentlessly, slapping in time like a metronome of pain, loving the sight of those heavy buttocks bounding and shivering under the harsh blows. Now and then I would pause to caress and knead that flesh, pinching some of the darker marks between my fingertips until she hissed.

“Be quiet, girl,” I murmured, more confident now that as she surrendered herself to the pain, to the humbling of being corrected in so elemental a way, it was making her malleable, more open to seeing things my way.

And one step closer to getting her to understand that what she thought she knew…was completely wrong.

I took up her punishment once again, raining yet more spanks down upon her bottom, grasping each round cheek in turn and pulling it up to tighten the flesh within the crease. And it was that same vulnerable flesh that I slapped over and over and over again, knowing that it was here where she would feel it the longest. Over the next few days, every time she sat down, she would be reminded of how she been taken in hand, of how the man she had discounted, disrespected, and left behind, had returned.

But that he was no longerthatman anymore.

I kept spanking her, left, then right, again and again, until her body began to tense, and her groans were almost continuous. I gave her two great slaps across the very upper parts of both thighs, and she screamed then, a shiver going down her entire body…and then came the soft, pitiful weeping, muffled against the softness of the couch cushions.

“That’s right…that’s right.” I stroked her punished bottom, cooing at her, luxuriating in the heat coming off of her scorched flesh. “We’re not quite done. You just lie there very still, and I’ll give you the last of what you need.”

“Oh, Nick,please…” Her voice was practically a warble, the anguish clear in her tone, but it was more than physical pain she was feeling. It was clear, and I could feel it too, my heart twisting in my chest at the plaintive sound of her weeping. But this wasn’t the time to go easy on her. And I was determined to show her that I was strong enough to give her what it was she really needed.

But I also wanted to show her that a correction, a punishment, didn’t have to be all pain and strictness. I eased the hem of her sweater slowly up her back, exposing the pale, smooth flesh, the firm muscles, the trough of her spine. I stroked her there too, and she sighed with it as if the sensation was a welcome relief from the unrelenting pain of her spanking. I continued easing the sweater up further, bunching it until it was bundled at the top of her back across her shoulder blades. Pausing for a moment, weighing whether or not I should take this step, I decided to plow forward, knowing that if it was too much, she would have to say the words.

Reaching under her, I pulled the front of her sweater up, and up some more until it too was drawn above the swell of her breasts. Her breathing hitched as my fingertips touched her bra, then her body tensed still more as I flipped it up, extracting both of the soft, heavy globes from the clutches of the lace.

“Nick…what are you…?”

“Shh, Eva. Just be still.” I found her nipples with my fingers, and I was immensely pleased to find them hard as stone. I tweaked them, then twisted them gently, and she sighed once more. “There we go, see? This isn’t so bad, is it?”

“Nick…please…” she said, hissing softly as I pinched one nipple then the other harshly between my fingers. Her body tensed again, but I was gratified when she made no move to either get away or even to extricate her breasts and her tender nipples from the not-so-tender mercies of my fondling and squeezing.

I was curious about something though, and while I continued to pull and twist her nipples, making her gasp and mewl, I kneaded and caressed her well-spanked bottom. Now and then, I smacked it firmly, but more as a way to keep her attention, to affirm my control over her, than it was to continue her punishment. I had other tasks more pressing at that moment.

“I wonder about something,” I said under my breath, but loud enough that I was sure she could hear me. I’d always suspected that she was a sort who might have a particular reaction to being taken firmly in hand by a male, but I’d never had the chance to confirm if my suspicions had any merit.

But now that I’d thrown caution to the winds—and likely made an utter mess of this entire exercise—I wasdeterminedto learn whatever I could. Considering the situation, I didn’t really have anything more to lose.

I eased her soft, well-reddened buttocks apart, revealing the lovely, enticing dark whorl of her anus, something I’d always been fascinated with. I intended to explore that later if fate and feminine curiosity should give me the chance. I touched it gently, circling its tender flesh with my fingertip, making her tense and draw a sharp breath.
