Page 6 of Four Daddies & I

“Don’t fucking lie to me, I can see you.”

“How?” I demand looking around. Shit, have they come home early?

“Look up shorty.”

I slowly look up and see the camera looking straight at me.Ah shit.

“If you can see the camera that means…”

“Yep, your other Daddies can as well. You’re lucky I’m not close enough to drive home and tan your ass! What were you thinking?” Maximus growls angerly. I roll my eyes and enter the house.

I walk through the kitchen and head for my bedroom, almost tripping over my own feet as I attempt to take my shoes off as I go. Everything is dark, the house feels so big and empty when you are on your own here. This was why I jumped at the chance of going out tonight when my friends messaged. At first, I had turned them down but when Christian and Jason both told me they would be away for another night I decided to go.

“I’m twenty years old, why can’t I go out and get drunk?” I demand. “Daddy Jason said it was fine,” I point out. I tried to call Christian first but he didn’t answer, so I called Jason. He laid down some rules but was happy for me to go out for a few hours.

“Well, he shouldn’t have! You obviously can’t be trusted to know your own limits!” I hear Maximus mutter something followed by the phone changing hands.

“Princess,” I hear the warning in Sean’s voice, and let out a deep sigh.

“Daddy,” I reply sarcastically.

“Get a glass of water and go to bed, we will talk about this tomorrow.”

I frown at the phone in my hand. I thought Sean would go harder on me than Maximus, who usually likes my rebellious side.

“Aren’t you going to give me hell too?” I ask nervously.

“What’s the point, you are too drunk to listen and remember what I say. I will save it for when I’m in front of you tomorrow.”

“Are you going to punish me?” I ask racked with equal measures of nerves and excitement.

“I haven’t decided. Go to sleep we will talk tomorrow,” he adds before hanging up. I only manage two steps before it rings again. I look up at the camera as I answer.

“Yes Daddy I’ve had a drink and yes I’m a little drunk.”

“Watch your tone baby girl,” Christian warns. I sigh as I head to my room.

“Daddy, I’m fine. I didn’t go to the club with everyone else, I stopped drinking when I realised it was hitting me a little quicker than usual and Layton was outside each bar I went in. I did nothing wrong," I protest.

“Then why is Layton annoyed with you?” Christian asks.

“Because he thinks you will have a go at him for me being drunk,” I moan throwing my bag onto the chair by the window and walking into my walk-in wardrobe. I hear Christian hum deep in his throat. “See I wasn’t reckless, and I stuck to the rules Daddy Jason set as I promised him. I’m twenty years old, I deserve the odd night acting like a normal person,” I sulk.

“We will discuss it tomorrow,” Christian says a little calmer. I place it on hands-free and start to undress to get into my pyjamas.

“Daddy Sean said that too, I don’t think it’s fair if you all shout and discipline me,” I point out. Christian hums again and I watch the phone waiting to see what he’ll say.

“Fine I will speak to the others, and we will decide on your punishment together.”

I huff and roll my eyes as I throw my clothes into the laundry basket in a temper, causing it to topple over. “Lose the attitude, and pick up the basket. You are skating on thin ice as it is.”

I scream and hold my pyjama top over my bare chest before looking up at the camera.

“That’s meant to be off if I’m undressing!” I yell.

“Security has turned it off from their screens, but your daddies can still access it,” Christian points out. I throw my blanket back into the cupboard and reach for my night clothes.

“I’m going to bed. What time will you be home tomorrow?” I ask pulling on my top.