Page 39 of Four Daddies & I

“Trouble? Because of you, our Jasmine was attacked with a fucking knife! Give me one reason why I shouldn’t put a bullet through your skull!” I yell. I don’t need to look but know Terry has his gun out behind me aimed at Geralt.

“I had nothing to do with your girl’s attack. Hudson has been working for someone else and I wasn’t aware until I was informed about today’s events.”

“Bullshit!” Jason yells.

“I swear it! I had nothing to do with today, I have no idea who ordered it.”

“He’s telling the truth, I was with him when Maximus called me. He called Hudson who told him everything. I heard the whole exchange,” Geralt says from his car. He takes a slow step forward.

“I’ve worked with you guys for years; I would have nothing if you hadn’t saved me and my family. I owe you our lives and I would never put yours or the lovely Jasmines at risk.”

I risk a look at Jason who seems to believe him. I nod to Geralt and lower my gun; Jason quickly does the same. Terry keeps his gun trained on Geralt and will remain that way until I tell him to lower it.

“Why are you here?” I ask as they both stand together.

“Because I want to help, I knew it would be better to come before everyone else descends on you, so we could speak alone. I want to tell you everything I know and offer my assistance,” Taylor says as he looks at us both.

“How do we know you aren’t going to double-cross us?” Jason asks. Taylor shrugs.

“You don’t, but at least hear me out and then you can decide what you want to do with the information.”

I turn to Jason who looks at me and nods. We have no other option but to trust them to an extent.

“Pat each one of them down before they cross the threshold, remove any weapons. I will take them to my study,” I order Terry nods as Jason and I walk back into the house and prepare for our unexpected guests.


If my ankle wasn’t screaming at me I’d be pacing the office right now. Layton’s positioned by the door with his gun in his hand, looking ready to jump at the slightest sign of danger.

“Do you know what’s happening out there?” I ask as I pull at the sleeves of my jumper. Layton looks at me briefly.

“We will find out in a moment,” he answers before there’s a knock at the door. Three raps, two raps, four raps. Layton reopens the panel, types in a code again and the door opens. Christian, Sean, and Jason enter the room and I let out a sigh of relief. Behind them is Mr Young whom I met the other week and a man I don’t recognise. I jump to my feet attempting to hide the pain as my ankle nearly gives way, but I’m too on edge to care.

“It’s okay, sweetheart. They’ve come to talk,” Christian says as he approaches me and cups my face.

“I’ll go to another room?” I reply as I turn to leave, but Christian stops me.

“You will stay with us,” he says offering me his arm for support and leading me to the desk. He sits in his chair and pulls me onto his lap wrapping his arm around my waist. Jason and Sean stand on either side of us as the people that have entered stand together.

“Sweetheart you remember Geralt Young?”

“Yes, it’s good to see you again, Mr Young. I hope at least,” I say as he offers me a warm smile.

“It’s lovely to see you too Jasmine, I wish it was under better circumstances. I hope you are not in too much pain and heal quickly.”

“She had a knife held to her throat, as well as sliced down her side. She was thrown against a wall so hard that her head needed gluing shut and you can see the injuries to her face. I think her healing process may take a while. Don’t you?” Sean snaps beside us. I look up at him and see him staring at the man next to Mr Young, who is looking at me as if in shock.

“I am so sorry you went through that, it was not deserved,” he says softly. I nod not knowing who he is but knowing the guys are not happy with his presence here in our home.

“Sweetheart this is Joseph Taylor.”

I blink at Christian as my heart races. Christian’s arm tightens around my waist as I feel Jason place a hand on my shoulder.


Christian nods confirming my suspicions. I turn back to the man who hired Hudson and sent him after me.

“It seems Hudson has changed employers and it was not Taylor who sent him today,” Jason explains as his thumb strokes my shoulder.