Page 33 of Four Daddies & I

“I’m okay, I promise.”

Maximus sighs walking over to the bed and pulling back the covers.

“Why does your side hurt?” Christian asks as lifts up the left side of my top and sees the thin cut going from my breast down to my hip. “Is that from his fucking knife?” he growls. I nod and pull down the top to hide the cut, I look up at Sean and force a smile.

“Can you help me to the bed please?”

“What hurts, princess?” He asks as he takes my right arm.

“My ankle, it’s only sprained, but hurts like afucking bitch!” I curse as I put too much weight on it by mistake. I quickly look at Christian with my hand over my mouth. “Sorry, Daddy! Please let me off this one time,” I beg, giving him my best puppy dog eyes. Christian shakes his head before stepping forward and scooping me up into his arms carrying me around the bed before placing me on it.

“I’m just going to get changed whilst these two are here with you. Try to behave for the next ten minutes, will you?” Maximus says grinning at me.

“I’ll try,” I reply sticking my tongue out. The three of them roll their eyes as Maximus walks out of the room.

Sean climbs on the bed and pulls me into his arms, so we are both sat up leaning against the headboard. I lean back into him, resting my head against his shoulder.

“What did the Doctor say?” Christian asks as he starts rubbing some pain relief gel into my ankle. I moan as he presses a little too hard. I wait for Christian to tell me to stop making a fuss, but instead, he looks at me with sad eyes and whispers a sorry.

“He’s glued my head and I must keep it dry for five days at least. Other than cuts and grazes I’m fine. My ankle’s going to hurt for a few days but if I rest and ice it, it’ll heal quickly,” I explain before looking at Christian and biting my bottom lip. “Can I cancel my extra lesson in the morning please?” I ask quietly. Christian leans over and presses a kiss to my head gently.

“Already done it and you aren’t going to class until at least Wednesday. I have sent an email explaining what happened,” he says as I relax further into Sean’s arms.

“Thank you, Daddy.” I look up into his eyes as I feel mine filling with tears.

Suddenly the door flies open and Jason rushes in, I don’t even see Christian move. One moment he is kissing my hand the next he has Jason pinned up against the wall.

“Where the fuck have you been?”

“I had my phone off I was busy!” Jason yells at him. “You knew what I was doing, you know I would never have my phone on in that location, I couldn’t risk it!”

“He targeted her because of you!” Christian yells at Jason whose face drops.

“Let go of him please!” I beg as I start to climb off the bed, but Sean stops me. “It wasn’t his fault!” I yell. They both turn to look at me, Jason’s eyes widen as his eyes fall on my face. Christian lets go of him and he stands for a second watching me before closing the gap between us and sitting on the bed.

“Where are you hurt, Jazzy?” Jason asks as he gently brushes some hair from my face revealing the bruise on my cheek, he then looks down at my swollen ankle. “Anywhere else?”

“Show him your neck,” Christian demands behind him. I shake my head but hiss from the movement.

“Jasmine, show him.” Christian commands and I look at Jason before lifting my head to expose the cut.

“We all know how much he likes to slit throats!” Christian growls as Jason just stares at my throat. I can see the pain in his eyes, and that he blames himself.

“Angel, I’m so sorry,” Jason starts but I stop him and cup his cheek.

“None of this was your fault. This was about Tommy not you,” I start but quickly realise it was the wrong thing to say.

“What the hell has Tommy got to do with this?” Sean demands as Maximus walks into the room. Jason wipes his thumb against my cheek to dry my tears.

“That guy, Hudson, said that I was to tell you to stop hiding your father, that his boss wanted the money owed to him,” I reply. “This wasn’t any of your faults, it was your father’s. He’s the one they are after,” I explain as I look at Maximus and Christian who are both looking at each other.

“Maximus go to my office and call the guys, I want everyone here in two hours,” Christian demands.

Maximus nods and goes to walk out of the room but stops and turns back.

“The Doctor said to give her these if she needs pain relief, but they will make her drowsy,” Maximus says taking a packet of tablets out of his pocket and handing them to Christian before leaving the room.

Jason looks at me before speaking. “Where else did Hudson hurt you?” I lift my top and see his face tense as he takes in the long cut that runs down my side.