Page 28 of Four Daddies & I

“I miss you too baby girl. I’ll phone you all in a bit. If anything comes to light message me and I will call you all back.” Jason turns the laptop around and starts talking to him whilst I climb back onto Maximus’s lap and curl up against him.

“That was kind of you, shorty. But I know you wish he was coming home,” Maximus points out as he runs a hand over my head and whispers into my ear.

“If he rushes the trip he will have to go back there later. He should have everything sorted before coming home,” I answer before looking up at him. “Can you show me the picture please?” Maximus nods and goes to get his phone out of his pocket when there is a knock at the door. We all turn to look at it as Jason calls out for them to enter.

Terry walks in with Layton behind him.

“I have done all I can on the picture and as far as I am aware it is genuine. The girl in it could be Jasmine the features are a perfect match and the birthmark too.” He looks at me and offers me a small smile. “I’m sorry Jasmine but unless Layton’s right and you have a twin we are not aware of, or you have been tied to a chair before, I am stumped to find a reasonable explanation.” I feel Maximus’s arms tighten around me again as I sit up.

“Tied to a chair?”

Terry nods at me and a distant memory resurfaces.

“Show me the picture.”

Terry hands me a tablet and I look at the photo on it, I find myself relaxing as I let out a deep sigh. “It’s me. It was taken for a drama project two years ago.”

“What?” I hear numerous people ask at the same time.

“Who had access to this picture, Jazzy?” Jason asks as he leans forward. I look at him and shrug.

“Anyone who knew what college I went to. It was on their website the last time I looked. Jason takes the tablet from me and starts tapping on the screen. He lets out a sigh as he turns it around and shows us the picture on the website.

“I’m sorry. If you had said to start with that they were tied to a chair, I would have realised sooner.”

“Don’t apologise, baby girl, this isn’t your fault. At least we know no one has been mistaken as you. Whoever sent it to me wanted me to feel what I did,” Christian says from the computer. He lets out a deep breath and rubs his face again. “I need to go, keep me posted if you find out who sent it. At least we can relax whilst Jasmine’s at home.” We all agree and start to relax a little until Christian points out something we may be missing.

“I want her security doubled until we know more. This could be a warning of what’s to come.”



I walk out of my classroom and head straight for the coffee shop. My phone to my ear as Layton falls into step beside me. I manage a quick smile before my call connects.

“Hey Jazzy, are you okay?” Jason answers after only two rings.

“Not really, I’m exhausted,” I sigh pouting as I reposition my bag.

“I’m sorry, angel. You’ve been working so hard I’m not surprised you’re feeling burnt out.”

I haven’t stopped in the three weeks since Christian received that photo. Between exams, essays and rehearsals for the next production, I just don’t seem to get a minute to stop and breathe.

Last night Sean found me sitting against the wall of my studio fast asleep. I vaguely remember him carrying me to my room. When I woke up this morning I was curled up in bed, still in my dance clothes and alone.

“I know, I just want to go home and sleep until next week.” I sigh, my eyes burning as I blink back the tears. What is wrong with me today? I feel like I could burst into tears at any moment.

“Don’t forget you have that extra lesson in the morning. But after that, I will personally wait on your hand and foot until you feel refreshed.”

I feel myself deflating further as I walk into the café, the last thing I want to do tomorrow is dance.

“Can I not cancel it this one time?” I ask hopeful he will take pity on me. But I hear Jason laugh and I know what he’s going to say.

“You need to go to the daddy who booked it to do that. He’s more likely to let you ifyouask him.”

I know he’s right but still doesn’t stop me from wanting to throw a tantrum. The likelihood of Christian letting me cancel is as slim as him letting me move back into my old flat. It isn’t going to happen. I spot my friend Verity and wave to her.

“I have to go; I’ll speak to him when I get home later after rehearsals. Hopefully, he’ll take pity on me,” I sigh. I say a quick goodbye to Jason and head over to where Verity is sitting waving at the two cups in front of her.