“Okay dancers, back to starting positions please.”
I rush to the side of the stage and get ready.
“I want a flawless performance this time. No heavy feet, slack arms. Hold those heads high,” I hear Mrs Florence call from where she’s standing, watching us all.
“Easy for her to say, she hasn’t been practising non-stop for two hours,” someone mutters behind me and I have to stop myself from chuckling aloud. They aren’t wrong, every bone and muscle in my body aches.
“Ready! And go!” I hear the music begin and make my way onto the stage following my fellow dancers, my head held high, my arms perfect in front of me as we start to move and dance as practised over and over again.
I put everything into the dance, I perform as if in front of an audience. My jumps are perfect, as are my landings. I’m confident this is my best performance today. That is until a large bang comes over the music and we hear Mrs Florence shout.
“Stop! Stop! Stop!”
We all turn to look at her wondering what’s happening when I see Layton charging towards the stage from the back of the hall.
“Jasmine, you need to come with me now!” he orders. I can see his hand on his hip where his gun is hidden.
“Excuse me! We are in the middle of a rehearsal!” Mrs Florence calls out as she stares at Layton. Layton stops in front of her and points to me.
“I don’t give a shit. If I say Miss Connors needs to come with me, she is. The principal knows the score take it up with him!” Layton snaps before turning to look at me.
“Move it now!” he growls as I rush towards him. Once at the front of the stage, he takes my hand to help me jump down. “Where’s your bag?” he demands. I point to the back of the hall where all our coats and bags are hanging up. “Get it and let’s go!” he places a hand on my back, rushing me along.
I rush towards my bag knowing that something must be seriously wrong. I can hear people talking on the stage and know that this gossip is going to spread like wildfire.
“What’s going on?” I ask as a find my bag and jumper. Layton doesn’t give me time to put either of them on, he grabs them and then rushes me towards the door. He is on edge looking around and his hand hasn’t left his gun.
“No idea I was just told to get you now!” he growls under his breath as he looks out of the door before rushing me out. He rushes me through the school to the back entrance where I can see the car is parked right by the door.
“When we get outside, keep your head down and head straight for the car it’s unlocked. Get in and lie down in the back,” he commands. I turn and look at him wide-eyed.
“What the fuck is going on?” I demand again.
“I told you I don’t know, just do as you are told,” he snaps as he opens the door looks around and grabs me. Layton drags me outside and I keep my head down until we get to the car. Layton throws open the door and I jump in before he slams it shut. I stay down as he asks until I hear the driver’s door open and Layton jumps in, slamming the door behind him. He doesn’t even put his seatbelt on before speeding away from the school.
“Sit up a put your seatbelt on Jasmine,” Layton orders. I do as I’m told. I can feel my whole body shaking as I try desperately not to cry. Has something happened to one of the guys? Is someone hurt or worse? So many different things running through my head, I can’t catch my breath as the panic starts to take hold. I see Layton connecting his phone to the car before calling Terry.
“I’ve got her, we are heading back to the house.”
“You have her? It’s definitely Jasmine?” Terry demands. I can see Layton frowning at the dashboard before looking at me in the rereview mirror.
“Yes, it’s her! Unless she has a twin, I’m not aware of.”
I hear a short commotion on the other end of the phone before Maximus’s voice rings out.
“Shorty? Are you hurt?”
“I’m fine! What’s going on?” I ask as my voice trembles. I hear Maximus let out a deep breath before yelling.
“If she’s there then who the fuck is in this picture being held, hostage?”
We pull up outside the house where Terry and Jason are standing waiting for us. Jason opens my door and helps me out before pulling me into his arms.
“What’s going on?” I ask as he walks me into the house with his arm wrapped around my shoulders.
“We don’t know, Jazzy. But we are going to find out.”